Tuesday, June 23, 2009

How Beliefs Impact Your Life
By Lori B. Lipten, M.A.
Most of what we experience in life is based on what we believe about our world, ourselves, our abilities and limits. Beliefs tend to be accepted as true. But what if our beliefs were wrong? Most of the great scientists, philosphers, inventors and thinkers throughout history have dared to challenge what was accepted as reality. Breakthroughs and new horizons are revealed by openly questioning commonly held beliefs.

To live our creative potential we can begin by challenging the readily accepted beliefs we hold onto that shape who we are and what we experience. In his book, The Biology of Belief, Dr. Bruce Lipton shares exciting new data that our DNA can be upgraded through intentional choice. Cellular science reveals that our interpretation of our environment directly impacts the actitivity within our genes. Other scientists are unraveling similar findings about the power of our perceptions to shift our physiology and experience in life.

Victor Frankl made an astounding discovery in the darkest hour of his life while in a nazi concentration camp. He stated, “our attitude towards what has happened to us in life is the important thing to recognize. Once hopeless, my life is now hope-full, but it did not happen overnight. The last of human freedoms, to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, is to choose one's own way.” Frankl and Lipton are not talking about will power, reciting positive affirmations or giving oneself a pep talk. Instead, the invitation is to discover meaning and conscious choice in every moment of life, no matter the circumstances we face. This is a courageous and substantive response to life.

Beliefs are held within the subconscious mind. They are formed throughout early development, when we exist in a highly suggestive brain state called a hypnagogic state. During this profoundly impressionable phase of development, habits and beliefs become programmed and embedded in the subconscious. Children adapt the beliefs that determine perceptions through imitation of the adults, peers and other influences within their environment.

According to cellular science, when the subconscious mind perceives safety and supportiveness, cellular structures thrive. When stress is perceived by the mind, cellular structures stop focusing on growth and eventually deteriorate. The mind’s perceptions are shaping physiological outcomes of our cells that influence health, mental acuity, emotional balance and even spiritual fulfillment.

We are capable of overriding the beliefs stored within our subconscious mind. Beliefs exist within the mind like a stored file. When a circumstance arises, the subconscious mind responds by uploading the stored file that resembles current dynamics. This “belief file” immediately instructs the cellular structures of the mind, body and emotions to perceive and respond to reality based on the past. Through intentional choice however, one can re-write the subconscious file and create a whole new destiny.

There are many new methods that can be employed to support you in disarming old belief habits and allowing whole new horizons to be discovered and created. Meditation, mindfulness, energy psychology, and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) are a few of the modalities that can support re-writing new subconscious programs that serve overall health in mind, emotions, body and spirit. Deep breathing will stop the autopilot functioning of the reactive subconscious and allow a new script to be inserted. Creative visualization that employs all the senses directs your cellular functioning so a whole new creation cycle can emerge through you intentionally. When Victor Frankl told us that we can choose our own way, little did he know that science would uncover this very truth: you have the ability to directly impact your cellular health through your conscious choices. That is how powerful you are!

About the Author
Copyright © 2009 by Lori B. Lipten, M.A.
Lori Lipten, M.A. is the founder of Sacred Balance a practice devoted to Conscious Living. She provides Intuitive Consultations, coaching and workshops that promote intentional living. Lori will be holding a book club discussion, July 9 on the Power of Belief authored by Ray Dodd. Lipten provides workshops on Intuitive Development, Conscious Creation and Meditation.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Prosperity is You

This is a channeled message from my spiritual guidance team, The Rays of Orion....

We are the Rays of Orion. We are beings of the Golden Ray of light, an aspect of the Elohim and the divine source of life on Earth. We are divine beings who serve expansion, consciousness and light within all humanity. We act as guiding forces for Lori's ascension and service in this lifetime, though we have been with her since her inception as a human. We love all life. We only serve the highest good through vibrational expansion in all ways that are allowed within the human experience of life.

You are all benevolent beings of light too. This is only known through the gateways of intuitive processing. Intuition is the accessing of that which is not physical or confined by the ego. When one accesses life through the ego, understanding is greatly limited. Resources become scarce and love is conditional. When one opens the gateway into intuitive processing, life expands beyond the physical into its true nature.

There is no life form you cannot experience. You are vastly more powerful than your mind understands. To accept this in a dogmatic context will feed your ego. To open to this divine truth is to be accessed through your heart chakra. That opens the gateway to your divine nature. As you do this, you will know the truth of this statement.

You are eternal life having a human experience. Within your essence is full creative power. You exist at your core as potential. Your consciousness which is illuminated through intention, allowing and actions will shape that potential into whatever form you are willing to experience. You are so much more powerful than you have yet realized.

Money is one way that humans have created a system of scarcity. The mind created money to reflect its fear that life, resources and prosperity are scarce commodities to be sought after. This illusion is so fervently accepted into the human consciousness, it is now a universally accepted reality. But it is a lie; no less one than believing you are not divine; life is permanent or that you are unsupported. These lies are also pervasive. We will deal only with money in this session.

When you focus on money, you are feeding the concepts of the ego. When you open to your divine nature, through your intuitive accessing, you allow the prosperity of potential to expand into limitless experiences. This prosperity will be expressed into whatever forms you enjoy through your allowing. You cannot chase wealth and have it. That ego illusion has created more suffering than almost all others on earth. However, you can be wealth. That wealth exists right now, within you. As you breathe deeply into your true nature, feel the expansiveness of your true essence as a glowing wealth of limitless power and abundance, you can then allow your consciousness to shape this prosperity into the forms of your pleasure. the more you practice this, the easier this creative pathway will be. You will not be drawing into your life wealth: you are wealth. There is nothing to draw. You will only be realizing your innate prosperity and allowing this to be expressed through your consciousness. And then realizing its expression in every form you enjoy.

A meditation: You practice this beginning now. Sit comfortably without interruption. Open your spine to allow its energy to flow freely. Breathe deeply into your belly. Release all fear and doubt which exist as illusions bred from the fear that you are not the divine essence of God/Source. Breathing into your lower abdomen deeply, elongate your exhale. Imagine a golden ray of divine light pouring into your crown chakra (top of your head) and gently saturating every cell of your being with golden light. You will feel luminous. Let the light saturate every aspect of your body and being. Then, stretch the light to radiate outward from your center, so that you are sitting in a luminous energy field of light. A sphere of golden, healing exquisite divine light surrounds you now. Feel into this sensation. In your mind's eye, allow yourself to access your prosperity. You are a divine being of infinite power and prosperity. As a creative source of light, you are prosperous. Imagine the sensations of having every need fulfilled with ease. See yourself experiencing life in perfect flow, in the abundance of all that is now. You are now the source of your prosperity. This source is a luminous ray of prosperity that emanates from your seven primary chakras. Feel the light source of prosperity radiating throughout your being. As this does. Let yourself bask in the brilliance of your prosperity. How does it feel to be wealth right now? Prosperous right now? You are completely cared for, enriched, free. You are peaceful, relaxed, open and trusting of life. You are rewarded joyfully in this moment with rich sensations of grace, love and abundance.

Continue radiating your rays of prosperity. Are there forms, symbols of prosperity that you enjoy? Does prosperity equate with an emotional state? Feel into this now. Radiate this now. Does prosperity equate with independence, financial abundance and freedom? Feel into this now. See yourself in this state clearly in your mind. Feel its truth now. How does prosperity radiate into the physical world through you? Let your consciousness play with this. Feel into this experience NOW. This is your infinite power being allowed to express its truth through your willingness to allow it into full expression. See, feel, know, hear, sense, smell...allow this reality to joyfully expand throughout your consciousness, your being, radiating freely from each chakra. As you play with these images and feelings, expand them. Allow even more. Grow in your awareness of your divine essence. Remember you and life are one. What you grant yourself, all life will benefit. You and life are one. What you give to you, you give to other. What you take from you or other, you take from other and you. Give abundantly to life. Let your rays of prosperity shine brightly, freely, unconditionally. Learn to shape your expressions of prosperity.

When you are complete with your play in this state, thank your spirit for expanding into divine forms throughout your life. Feel the gratitude of your prosperous being and its expressions into life. Express your appreciation for your divine nature freely now. "I am intentionally expressing my higher self into every aspect of life now. I am divinely led, abundantly blessed and living my soul's expansive truth in this and all moments. Aho. Amen. And so it is".

We are the Rays of Orion. We are beings of light serving the expansion of love, truth and joy on Earth. May you realize your infinite power in this moment, use it to serve your soul's expansion and life on Earth in the most joyful, loving expressions. Namaste.