Friday, December 7, 2012

A Time of Great Change: Walking the Path of Miracles

We are at a time of great change upon the earth within human consciousness as we now know it.  The highest vibrational frequencies of love and light are more easily accessible to human consciousness now.  These waves of light are moving through all of us and changing us from within.  This shift has been occurring over time and has accelerated over the past two decades picking up a momentum so that more of human consciousness is aligned with higher frequencies than ever before on the planet earth.  This shift is at times referred to the alignment of the 4th and 5th dimensions and thinning of the veils.  These dimensions have been accessible to human consciousness from its inception but are now easily accessed by the masses.  This means most humans will experience an uplift in vibrational energies that will include increased sensitivities to subtle energies including: 
  • awareness of psychic phenomenon; 
  • expansion of benevolent feelings;
  • energy moving through the body like heart opening;
  • a more power pull to fulfill one’s soul purpose; 
  • a deeper need for fulfilling relationships;
  • change in eating habits;
  • a completion of relationships that do not match soul intentions.   
  • Dreams may be more vivid and direct; 
  • telepathic experiences will increase;
  • emotional sensitiveness may heighten or transmute readily; 
  • feeling ungrounded, unsteady or shaky as energies accelerate;
  • creativity may expand; 
  • ideas will broaden; 
  • paradigms will shift.  
  •  Many will sense or see spirit with great facility. 
  • and more...

This is all by divine design.  All beings existing on the earth at this time, chose to be part of this uplift in consciousness. You are one of those!

You are part of an awakening.  This can be translated into many forms of understanding.  The veil is thinning, duality and the middle world is collapsing.  Another way of stating this is that humanity is shifting from being an ego-driven species into a heart centered species.  The heart is the higher gateway to experiencing connectivity with Source, Spirit and one another.  The heart's language is intuition and compassion. The heart and the crown are aligning into a channel of knowing allowing for greater intuitive experiences for all people.  This gives more people access to deeper meaning, fulfillment and connection to all life beyond the material world alone. 

How does one adjust to these frequency changes? 

1)      Accept that it is here.  It is happening and your acknowledgement of this will allow it to happen with greater ease.  These vibrational changes do not require your belief in them to manifest.  These energies are being stepped down into the human experience to bring increased rates of joyful creations through love into the human experience. Breathe into this shift; it’s by divine design and therefore meant only to serve your highest good. 

2)      Attune to the higher energies through deliberate practices that ease your way.  Meditation, chanting; mindfulness exercises, creative visualization and prayer will support you.  Yoga; Tai Chi; Qi Gong; Conscious Dance, massage and physical exercises that uplift you, will also help.  Creative expressions (drawing, painting, singing, cooking, etc); writing; collages are means for supporting these changes. 

3)      Listen to your intuition.  Pay attention to what your heart and soul are telling you.  Listen carefully to the whispers from spirit and within your being that are urging you to make changes and take action.  These messages are guiding you into a new experience that is here to uplift, empower and enrich your life.  

4)      Let go.  Your soul is eager to lead the way but your mind or ego may resist change. Imagine taking in a deep breath and holding it for a long, long time.  How does that feel?  You are used to letting go all the time.  But your mind likes to perceive letting go as something to fear.  It is natural to breathe in and out of the changes that soul seeks to experience.  During this time of change, you will be urged to release everything you have created from your ego.  This is not a bad thing but the ego likes to cling to status quo by design.  The longer you hang on to what no longer fits your soul’s truth, the more you will suffer - like holding your breath.  If you move with your soul’s need to shift, these changes will happen naturally.  What you resist will bring about more dramatic experiences of change.  So ease into it.  Begin by clearing clutter from your home.  Make lists of what you have and don’t want in your emotional, mental, and spiritual life and then write down what you do want.  Let go of what no longer serves you because it is leading you into that which will!

5)      Trust.  You are always supported in living the highest, most fulfilling life possible.  This is a divine truth.  You are never set up to fail or suffer.  Your ego never understands these truths. Resistance to change or holding onto the ideas of yourself and life that limit you will cause you great emotional pain.  This is a time of knowing that divinity is seeking to expand through your willingness to allow it.  By doing so, you are being supported in realizing your greatest potential within this lifetime. 

6)      Access Divine Help!  The support for you is real.  That includes divine helpers and loved ones in spirit who are truly motivated to uplift you into a path of soulful living.  Soul living is an intuitive experience that transcends your mind’s ideas for you and your life.   Angels, spirit guides and loved ones are seeing the bigger picture of your life and working to assist you in making choices that will bless you and all concerned.  

7)      Love not fear.  Fear is the dominion of the ego.  It is its stronghold.  Fear dictates all choices from the ego and motivates individuals into feeling small, trapped, isolated, broke, depressed, anxious, separated from Source, spirit and one’s own divinity.  Love is the essence of the soul.  It is the frequency that bridges you to Source, Spirit, innate divinity and the whole of existence.  Love is not a sentimental energy of preferences and conditions.  Divine love is an energy that surpasses romantic notions and brings forth unconditional compassion and positive regard for all life.  It is non-judgmental; allowing one to be present to whatever is.  It opens you to creative potential in any given moment.  It is accessed through aligning heart with the higher mind and seeing life through “divine eyes”.  It is an energy that heals, empowers, uplifts, inspires and transmutes whatever is present.  It is the vibrational currency of the new dimensions in which we are finding ourselves and the gateway for miracles to manifest. Love is accessed through conscious presence. 

8)      Discover nature.  Take time to be outdoors in nature as much as possible.  When you step into the fold of nature, your energy field expands into its natural state.  The energy field within and surrounding your body collapses when you work indoors and under fluorescent lighting.  It shrinks or tightens when you are aligned with your ego.  Your energy field needs to breathe and rejuvenate.  Being around trees, breathing in fresh air, experiencing direct sunlight, noticing the beauty of your surroundings will clear and help your energy elevate more easily.  Get outdoors and absorb the Prana – life force – that is ever present. 

9)      Have fun.  This is happening.  You are shifting into a multisensory being.  You’ve always been that but all humanity is awakening to this reality.  Enjoy the process.   Notice what you are experiencing and witness this shift with the curiosity and awe of innocence.  Your children may see spirits; hear divine messages; experience increased sensitivities; have past life recall – listen to what they are telling you and discover their innate abilities with them.  You and they were born for this.    

The world is not coming to an end.  But the ego is seeking to be released as the dominant force of human consciousness.  Soul is moving into the driver’s seat.  Its language is intuition.  Its frequency is love.  Its pathway is blissful creation.  And when you acknowledge this is happening; attune, align and allow these higher frequencies into your daily life – you will walk the path of miracles. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Thoughts from the Inner Realm: Free Yourself

Thoughts from the Inner Realm: Free Yourself: T o transcend limitations and step into a path of authentic soulful freedom you have to release patterns of thought, feeling and acting...

Free Yourself

To transcend limitations and step into a path of authentic soulful freedom you have to release patterns of thought, feeling and acting that bind you to a painful past.  Whenever we have experienced betrayal, disappointments and hurt our thoughts and emotions about these situations will either continue to create suffering or open us to untapped gifts within our soul.  How you approach these scenarios of life determines whether you are exiled from your true self or open to your soul’s highest potentials.  You hold the key.
Radical acceptance, compassion and forgiveness toward whatever has arrived in your life will shift you from the cords that tether you to the unhealed energy of a past that truly came to liberate you.   Imagine if you shifted from reacting to whatever has happened – no matter how horrifying the trauma may be - into a state of complete compassionate acceptance that it has arrived to open you to a potential soul power designed to uplift and empower you! 
When we react toward situations with resentment, resistance or avoidance, this energy locks us into a cycle of suffering.  Whatever exists within us will create for us, whether or not we actively participate in that process.  Our unconscious inner world will be revealed to us in our outer world without exception.  We may judge whatever painful scenario shows up as bad luck or karma; or a fate to which we are bound.  But it is this very perception that separates you from your soul’s true creative power, joy and love.  It ties you to the traumas of life rather than the essence seeking to heal and evolve beyond such suffering.
Free yourself today.  Make a decision to liberate yourself from the toxic perceptions, beliefs and patterns that keep you exiled from your soulful heart.  Choose to see that there is a gift within each circumstance you have experienced or ever will encounter.  These gifts can only be unwrapped when you accept boldly what is; compassionately tend to whatever shows up in response and then open to the power within your soul that is seeking to be unleashed. 
Radical acceptance is not an act of acquiescing to suffering.  It is a bold commitment to presence that allows you to respond to life from a divine perception.  Your soulful witnessing of any circumstance allows the highest divine gifts of every moment to be realized.  

Practices that heal
1.     Write a letter expressing all the pain, grief and resentments you’ve been holding onto.  Don’t judge what you write or feel. 
2.     Sit mindfully, breathe deeply into your body and elongate your exhale.  Do this several times and then call light to yourself.  Allow this light to radiate into every cell of your being.
3.     Call in your higher self.  Feel into the essence of you, as a soul with no ego.  Simply allow this higher self to come into your awareness.  Set the intention “I am seeing all that I have written and/or experienced through my highest self now”
4.     State: I am willing to be free from all suffering associated with these circumstances. 
5.     Remember and state: I am never set up to fail.  I am always set up to thrive and discover my truest essence and creative loving power. 
6.     Ask compassionately: what is my soul seeking to express, discover or learn through this scenario?  I am willing to appreciate this situation through my highest self now?
7.     Ask compassionately: by holding onto a perception of this situation; a resentment or judgment of what has happened, how does this tie me to that person and/or experience?  What is the benefit of holding onto this perception?  What do I perceive losing if I let go of this perception and see this through my higher soul now?
8.     Ask compassionately: am I willing to release my perceptions of this situation and open to a higher perspective?  Notice what you feel, think without judging it.  If the answer is no, don’t judge this.  Compassionately tend to what shows up for you.
9.     Breathe deeply.  Am I willing to forgive all concerned here?  Am I willing to forgive myself for this experience? Am I willing to at least compassionately accept what is?  Don’t judge your responses.

10. Remember: when you are willing to experience the soul purpose for this situation, discover the healing and power it is seeking to bring through you, then it will stop repeating itself in your outer world.  And you will then tap into the innate power that is yours to experience and creatively express in this life.  You will retrieve your soul’s essence through this course of action. 
Accept what is.  See it and all concerned through compassion.  Remember; whatever shows up has a gift for you at the soul level. Choose to receive the soul gift within the situation – no matter how severe the circumstances may be.  Align with your higher self.  Discover and allow gifts to be felt and expressed into your life. Retrieve your soul power and live your life in ever increasing freedom, love and joy. 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Cliff Notes Version of Stop Trying and Be

For my friend Laura and all those who enjoy it simplified:

1.      Stop trying.  Trying is an ego action.  The ego compares you to everyone and everything and always makes you come up short or better than another. 

2.     You are not your mind, body, emotions or experiences. 

3.     You are a soul.  As a soul, you existed before you had this mind and body.  You will exist beyond this mind and body.  The real you is timeless divine essence.

4.     As a soul, you have limitless power to realize your potential.  You have access to bliss, health, love, grace by aligning with the truth of your essence rather than the identity confined to your mind, body and emotions.

5.     The soul lives in all dimensions of reality simultaneously.  That means you have access to infinite wisdom, guidance and all else. 

6.     Intuition is your soul’s language.  It communicates through your physical senses information that cannot be easily identified through the physical world.  Sensations that are not linked to a trailed thought; ideas that arise spontaneously; persistent messages that lead to empowerment, health and evolution; lyrics or words in a show you’re watching; deep sensation or knowing; dreams and so on.  Paying attention to these signs and acknowledging their significance will increase the frequency and usefulness of this communication. 

7.     Your purpose as a soul on earth, is to bring through your essence through your natural talents and interests.  Pay attention to what flows through you most easily.  It’s a clue to your purpose.  Soul only uses the most joyful, natural abilities to express its gifts.  It can express this purpose for great periods of time with no thought to time; it would do it for free; it evolves, expands and uplifts you when you allow these gifts to be expressed.  It empowers others too.  And it will always bless you prosperously with health, financial reward, peace of mind and deep fulfillment. 

8.     You have a choice.  To live on earth aligned with your mind and experience this place as an ongoing challenge.  Or to live life from your Soul. 

9.     Align with your Soul and experience and you will no longer have to try to be anything.  You are divine.   You are exquisite.  You are enough right here, right now.  You are infinite.  You are immutable essence.  You are capable of bringing light, love and bliss into the world through your natural talents, interests and everyday expressions.  You have the power right now, to live in perfect harmony with all that is.   

10.  Soulful living is an art.  Because you have a mind that believes in the physical reality as the ultimate truth, it takes practice to align and allow soulful truth to lead the way.  But when you do this, your life will express miracles beyond anything your mind can imagine.  Soulful expression blesses you and our world richly. 

Stop trying to be.  Let go of your mind’s ideas of YOU and open to the truth that you are a divine being of exquisite power.  You came to earth to enjoy, grow and contribute from your soul.  Thank you for showing up!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Stop Trying and Remember Who You Are

What would happen if you stopped trying to be something other than what you are right now?  What if you stopped trying to be thinner; happier; more enlightened; richer; more successful; relaxed; a better parent, friend, lover, spouse, employee, boss, entrepreneur, student, yogi; an expert?

What if you simply let go of the need to be more or less of anything at all?  What do you feel when you think of letting go of trying?


When you are trying to be anything at all, you are aligning with your mind or ego.  Your ego is an aspect of you that is impermanent and identifies with the linear, provable world.  The ego perceives everything through a lens of scarcity.  It experiences you as a limited identity that requires physical solutions to become more than you are right now.

But here’s the hitch.  You are not your ego.   You are a soul.  As a soul, you existed before your body and ego mind came to be.   

So what the heck does that mean and how does it relate to trying?

The problem is one of identification or alignment.  Knowing that you are a soul and not a body changes everything.

So take a moment to be here and now as you contemplate this possibility.  Relax your arms and let them fall into your lap.  Drop your shoulders, uncross your legs.  Straighten your back but don’t make it rigid.  Loosen your jaw and relax your facial muscles. Relax the muscles around your eyes.   Now, breathe deeply into your body filling your lungs from the bottom up.  Elongate your exhale.  Do this several times, breathing in deeply and elongating your exhale.  As you do this exercise, notice how this type of breathing feels.  Bring your attention to your breath as it moves into your body and slowly flows outward.  Notice your abdomen rising and falling.  Notice what happens internally.  How do you feel?

Continue to breathe deeply as you focus on your breath.  Breathing in, breathing out.  Now notice your thoughts as you focus on your breath.  Witness you, without analyzing.  Don’t judge; just witness.  As you notice your breath and the thoughts you have while doing this exercise; observe your ability to notice.  Witness yourself witnessing. 

Take a deep cleansing breath and return to this page. 

When you are noticing your breath and thoughts, who witnessed your breath?  Who witnessed your thoughts?  Who is the witness of your witness?

Don’t try to answer.  Simply notice what arises into your consciousness when you ask.  

Are you the breath or the thoughts?  Are you the witness?  You exist beyond thought, the breath and the witness.  You exist beyond the identity through which you have come to know as you.

The you that lives beyond the limits of your persona abides beyond the confines of time and space.  You, as a soul, are not bound to linear experiences, mind realities and dimensions only perceived through the accepted senses. 

The soul exists and communicates at a much higher frequency than physical reality, within multiple dimensions simultaneously and has access to all resources needed to thrive in every facet of life.  But when you identify yourself as the person who exists in the confines of a physical world, you will experience the world as limited; intensely demanding, at times lonely and a place where trying to be something more is essential for survival.  In that experience, you are essentially cut off from your true nature and power existing in a perpetual state of striving and not thriving. 

But you have the power to change this way of being.  You are designed to live as a soul in a physical world; not as a physical being trying to discover your spiritual side.  You don’t have a soul; your soul has a body and mind through which it can navigate physical reality.  This seemingly abstract notion challenges the ego which will give great evidence to contradict such an assertion.  But science cannot disprove the existence of a soul any more than it can prove it. The soul exists beyond the limits of provable realities. To awaken is to live in full consciousness of that truth.  

You are a soul.  You have a body equipped with a mind and emotions.  To be a soul in a body is a great privilege.  To master this experience requires willingness to appreciate this truth and stretch into its meaning.  You do not have to “try” to be anything when you remember that you are a soul.   There is nothing to become.  No success for which you must strive.  You remember you are all that is, moving through a container called a human mind and body.  Your job here is to remember and allow  the true soul YOU to be expressed without resistance.  

That’s easy for a soul to do and hard for an ego identified being. 

Your ego lives attached to this physical world and duality.  It experiences the physical world as All-that-is and requires hard work from you; striving to feel good enough and more acquisitions to feel prosperous.  Because it lives in separation from Source and therefore Soul, it does not know the truth of who you are.

But there is good news: The soul never lives in this state.   You as a soul, exist in timeless connection to All-That-Is.   The soul has resources for whatever it seeks to express.  Its language is intuition….that sensory processing that defies logic! For intuition to be accessed, it requires a choice. 

Yes, you get to decide.   You can exist on earth, searching for meaning and purpose, striving to connect with your soul.  Or you can remember that you are a soul and that there is no place or thing to seek.  You choose to attune and align your attention to that which is the immutable you and allow that exquisiteness into this physical world.  You appreciate your true essence; express it reverently and enjoy the experience of moving infinite energy through the container of your mind, body and emotions. 

As a soul, you have gifts to bear. Be sure of this: our world is enhanced when you express your true essence in everyday life.   

So here is an invitation for today; stop trying and start being.  In this moment, let go of the idea that you are this mind and body through which you have come to know yourself.  Breathe into your divine essence here and now. Feel into the grace existing beyond emotion, thought and body.   Listen deeply with your heart and know that you are timeless bliss; love; peace, truth, and joy.

You have a choice.  To strive to be more – or to let go and remember that you are enough, you are exquisite, you have a purpose and that you are divine beauty right here and now. 

What will you choose?

Monday, November 12, 2012

Speak and Create Anew

Your words have power.  When you speak or think words, they hold a vibrational creative quality.  They influence the energy field of your being and the world in which your live.  Your words have a profound influence on how you feel, what you do and what you will experience in this physical reality.   
Words reflect your inner most beliefs about yourself and your life. Our words can reflect the ego’s ideas about life or our soul’s truth. Whether spoken or thought, words impact our every experience.  They can inspire us into soulful action or diminish our power.
Use your words consciously.  Pay attention and choose what you say and think with deliberation.  And change your experiences by doing so.   
Are your words igniting the infinite well of power and exquisiteness within your soul to create for you?  Or do your words limit your creative power to what you have always come to believe you deserve?  The universe is a neutral palate upon which you create.  You can shift your experiences right now, by choosing to use words that reflect your innate divine essence and rights!
Where do you begin?  Speaking and acting consciously is a practice cultivated through willing attentiveness, moment to moment. 
Suggestions for conscious thought/words:
“I have so much to do; I’ll never get that done” becomes “I am so blessed with time, energy and support to accomplish everything with ease and grace now”
“I don’t know how I will ever do that” becomes “I am grateful for the inspirational breakthrough on how to accomplish that goal/experience in my life now”
“I cannot afford that” becomes “I am so grateful for my financial flow and the ability to joyfully create and allow that new experience into my life now”
“I’m so fat/overweight/thin/not enough…” becomes “I deeply love and accept myself as I am now.  I am beautiful and love myself in every way.  I honor my body and health with conscious loving choices now”
“I have no idea how to begin” becomes “I am open to the inspirations to create this new plan/program/process/experience now”
“I feel so alone and disconnected” becomes “I am present to my feelings with compassion and open to the truth that I am infinitely connected and supported by divinity now”
“I am not that intuitive” becomes “I am highly intuitive and understand divine guidance with easy grace now”
“I am so worried about that” becomes ‘I am so grateful for a divine resolution to that situation now.  I see it, feel it and accept this full blessing in every way now”
“There is no one good to date.  I never have any luck with men/women” becomes “I am in a soulfully enriching relationship that serves the highest good for all concerned now.  I am in soulfully uplifting relationships and experiences now.”
“The world is falling apart” becomes “this world is in divinely aligned creative flow and I am part of its solution.  I am now allowing the world to be peaceful, prosperous, joyful and health in every way.”
These are not affirmations.  Affirmations appeal to the ego.  These are conscious statements aligning with the highest truth.  Do not just take a statement and repeat it mindlessly.  To create a new reality; engage your conscious being by noticing when you say something that deflates and dis-empowers you and choosing to re-frame your language and perception so it aligns with your soul’s truth.  By doing this, your world will shift dramatically into a reflection of your divine essence rather than the limited perceptions of your mind.
Your words and thoughts matter.  They reflect what you allow into your reality.  Shift your language – thought and spoken word – through deliberate practices daily and experience the bliss that your soul has come here to create.
I am seeing you creating blissfully inspired language and realities now! 
Namaste, Lori