Monday, November 12, 2012

Speak and Create Anew

Your words have power.  When you speak or think words, they hold a vibrational creative quality.  They influence the energy field of your being and the world in which your live.  Your words have a profound influence on how you feel, what you do and what you will experience in this physical reality.   
Words reflect your inner most beliefs about yourself and your life. Our words can reflect the ego’s ideas about life or our soul’s truth. Whether spoken or thought, words impact our every experience.  They can inspire us into soulful action or diminish our power.
Use your words consciously.  Pay attention and choose what you say and think with deliberation.  And change your experiences by doing so.   
Are your words igniting the infinite well of power and exquisiteness within your soul to create for you?  Or do your words limit your creative power to what you have always come to believe you deserve?  The universe is a neutral palate upon which you create.  You can shift your experiences right now, by choosing to use words that reflect your innate divine essence and rights!
Where do you begin?  Speaking and acting consciously is a practice cultivated through willing attentiveness, moment to moment. 
Suggestions for conscious thought/words:
“I have so much to do; I’ll never get that done” becomes “I am so blessed with time, energy and support to accomplish everything with ease and grace now”
“I don’t know how I will ever do that” becomes “I am grateful for the inspirational breakthrough on how to accomplish that goal/experience in my life now”
“I cannot afford that” becomes “I am so grateful for my financial flow and the ability to joyfully create and allow that new experience into my life now”
“I’m so fat/overweight/thin/not enough…” becomes “I deeply love and accept myself as I am now.  I am beautiful and love myself in every way.  I honor my body and health with conscious loving choices now”
“I have no idea how to begin” becomes “I am open to the inspirations to create this new plan/program/process/experience now”
“I feel so alone and disconnected” becomes “I am present to my feelings with compassion and open to the truth that I am infinitely connected and supported by divinity now”
“I am not that intuitive” becomes “I am highly intuitive and understand divine guidance with easy grace now”
“I am so worried about that” becomes ‘I am so grateful for a divine resolution to that situation now.  I see it, feel it and accept this full blessing in every way now”
“There is no one good to date.  I never have any luck with men/women” becomes “I am in a soulfully enriching relationship that serves the highest good for all concerned now.  I am in soulfully uplifting relationships and experiences now.”
“The world is falling apart” becomes “this world is in divinely aligned creative flow and I am part of its solution.  I am now allowing the world to be peaceful, prosperous, joyful and health in every way.”
These are not affirmations.  Affirmations appeal to the ego.  These are conscious statements aligning with the highest truth.  Do not just take a statement and repeat it mindlessly.  To create a new reality; engage your conscious being by noticing when you say something that deflates and dis-empowers you and choosing to re-frame your language and perception so it aligns with your soul’s truth.  By doing this, your world will shift dramatically into a reflection of your divine essence rather than the limited perceptions of your mind.
Your words and thoughts matter.  They reflect what you allow into your reality.  Shift your language – thought and spoken word – through deliberate practices daily and experience the bliss that your soul has come here to create.
I am seeing you creating blissfully inspired language and realities now! 
Namaste, Lori


BKlausmeyer said...


Thank you for these words today. I am in a situation that strains and baffles my intellect and tests the power of my faith... I am not new to this process, however I am ALWAYS open to receiving new direction, nourishment and connection.

I am aware of so much love around me.

Thanks again,

Anonymous said...

I will print and carry with me so I can stop...think... realign then speak..understanding that words cary their own energy,Just as importantly will gently guide others to be aware of words they speak..and the energy they carry..thank you Lori