Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The following message is from the Great Brotherhood of Light as channelled through Jedda Mali. My master spiritual guidance team are referred to as the Rays of Orion (Orion of the Elohim). They work with the Brotherhood of Light interactively; though they are distinct in purpose, they are similar in resonance. The following message is a highly significant message about consciousness and I felt compelled to share it here:

We have come to a time in humanity's journey when the gap between Heaven and Earth is closing. Truth has been available to all throughout the ages but only understood by a few. Our purpose, in this communication, is to remind mankind of the key principles that govern your whole experience here on Earth. Life is not currently viewed in its true light; there is so much more going on than many are aware of. In the next few years, there is an unprecedented opportunity for the people of Earth to move out of struggle and into freedom, which is the birthright of Man. The time has come for mankind to wake up from a long sleep and see the whole truth; to shift the entire paradigm of human consciousness from limitation to freedom. There are many who have come to assist you in this, a whole host of advanced spiritual beings who are offering their encouragement, support and inspiration. We wish to share with you the many wonders of your existence and to give you our heartfelt reassurance that all is well. It is a very exciting time in the evolution of the Earth. Mankind is becoming Godkind.
At the present time, much of the world still engages in struggle and turmoil. Yet our universe is designed to bring about joy, love, wisdom, peace and harmony. Why is there such a gap between our potential and our current circumstances? It is the paradigm in which we operate that determines our reality.

When we change our paradigm from limited human consciousness to unlimited universal consciousness, we are able to evolve out of repeating the same old reactions to events and people. It releases the catch that has kept us going around in circles of struggle and confusion. Life after life. You have no doubt heard the saying that "the truth will set you free"!
There is currently excitement about the Law of Attraction and its ability to bring us what we want. It is becoming well known now that dwelling on, and pushing against, circumstances we don't want creates more of the same. And conversely, consistently holding positive thoughts creates desirable circumstances. We can certainly use it to create more favourable living conditions here on Earth. In the early stages of understanding the Law of Attraction, we are required to consciously exercise choice. The usual process is that we select from a range of options presented by the mind (some of them elevated, some not – which is the human condition) before choosing one and making a response. Increasingly over time, we choose to respond with love, patience, compassion and optimism to events because we become aware that these produce the best results. But subtle fears may still arise at this level, even if we are happy and successful in a worldly sense.

Although there is an element of struggle, even in subtle fears, there is also a beautiful by-product. Challenges in our commitment to positive thinking are helpful, indeed necessary, as we must constantly reassert our intention to give expanded responses to contracted events.
But the Law of Attraction has many levels beyond its ability to manifest desirable material goods. What is not so well understood is the mechanics behind how this works or its original purpose.

At the highest level, the Law of Attraction resumes its original unifying purpose – to align us with God. We reconnect ourselves with our unlimited divine potential arriving ultimately at a unified experience of Oneness. There is no individual preference or desire left. Thoughts, feelings and actions are only concerned with the greater good.

And it is only from this paradigm that choice is left behind and positive creation becomes automatic and effortless.

My friends, please hear us when we tell you - you are a vast and beautiful being. You are the sweetness of Life itself. You are powerful transmitters of light, love and wisdom. You have access to all the secrets and mysteries of the Universe. You are the source of all creation.
You are not working your way up to Goodness. You are goodness. You are not progressing along a path. You are at the destination. You are not trying to figure out God. You are God.
There is no path, no journey, no destination, no process, no steps, no task, no karma, no ritual that will change the fact that YOU ARE ALREADY GOD.

It is this belief, and this belief alone, that ends our struggle. It is the extent to which we believe it and act accordingly that determines our success in, and satisfaction with, life. Not how many Porsches we can manifest in the driveway.

When we embrace the sweetness of this awareness, we find it has been our patient companion all along, ever-present and limitless. And that is when we leap willingly into joyful surrender to Intelligent Grace.

And then what happens?

Moment to moment conscious awareness, resulting in moment to moment conscious intention, resulting in moment to moment conscious thought and attendant feeling, resulting in moment to moment conscious action, resulting in moment to moment conscious union with Universal Flow, resulting in moment to moment conscious satisfaction through to bliss, resulting in moment to moment conscious awareness of that bliss and round we go again. In this paradigm, we are literally expanding without end into more and more bliss. We are creating it. We are designed to create the very fabric of existence!

Notice where ‘intention’ comes into the process. After awareness and before thought. So we see that intention must be imbued with conscious awareness in order to follow through to an ultimately satisfying and life-enhancing result. It is here we meet the interface between Mankind’s potential and the purpose of Life on Earth.

As we shine this light on Truth, it helps people see it more easily for themselves. When we experience the relationship between thought and creation, we realise, with absolute clarity, how our moment to moment intention is determining every aspect of our lives. After a basic understanding is gained, we need to experience this truth on subtler and subtler levels to fully appreciate the magnitude of its scope.

The realisation that we already contain within ourselves all potential, all resources and all qualities is the key to unlocking the fulfillment waiting for you in your relationship to your partner, your family, your business, your community, your finances, your planet and your connection to the Universal Intelligence. It is that key we wish to hand over to you now. Use it well.
The Great Brotherhood of Light

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Soul versus Ego

One of my greatest joys is to assist individuals in accessing the innate wisdom of soul. Every one is born intuitive because intuition is the language of soul and spirit, sometimes called non-physical reality. Intuition is our primary language. We use it communicate while developing within the womb and after our physical birth before verbal language takes over. In the western world, verbal language reflects the unconscious ego or fear-based mind. That linear thinking machinery is linked to the physical world for its concepts, while your soul exists in the timeless truth of limitless creative power.

The first step in reclaiming your intuitive birthright begins by remembering that you are a soul. You do not have a soul. Its not something that is part of you. You are a soul. You are a not a physical person with a soul. You are a soul who is living in a physical world. You are a soul with a physical body, a mental and emotional body. Your physical, mental and emotional bodies are manifestations of your soul. Your soul is here on Earth to experience a physical creative process. Your soul is like a cell within the body of a Divine Consciousness. That divine consciousness (aka God, Source, The-All-that-is) is evolving human consciousness. Your soul’s mission is to allow that divine consciousness to be expressed through your physical, mental and emotional creative process of life.

You are a soul having a physical experience. The language of your soul is intuition. Intuition is not an elusive language. It is your primary language. But it is not the language of your mind. Because your soul’s mind is limited to this physical lifetime, it does not grasp non-physical reality easily. It experiences intuition as “hard to grasp”. Your mind requires physical evidence for it to believe in a concept. Your mind does not understand you as a soul. It perceives you as the identity of your personality and experiences you as a finite being that begins at physical birth and ends at physical death. Your mind believes you and your resources are tied to the physical world and that you are therefore a limited being with limited power.

Your soul is constant. It exists before your physical birth and after your physical death. It does not experience your personality in this lifetime as itself. It experiences your personality as a tool through which consciousness is expanding. It sees your identity as a means for creative expression. It knows that your body, mind and emotions are temporary.

Your soul lives in constant contact, connection and identification with the Creator or Source of Life (aka God, the-all-that-is, etc). Your soul lives in constant contact with all source energy. Therefore your soul is unlimited in its creative potential, power, wisdom, health, joy and peace. Your soul exists as a cellular holographic representation of the creative source of life. Intuition is how your soul communicates this profound potential to your physical sense of being: mind, body, emotions.

Your soul is always peaceful. It is always resourceful. It is interested in expressing love, joy, health, prosperity and creative abundance in the world that serves your highest good and that of all life. Your soul communicates to your mind, body and emotions constantly. It never stops communicating with you. Because your mind does not know you as soul, it perceives whatever it cannot define in physical terms as “imaginary, unreal, elusive or even occult”. None of these definitions are true. They reflect the limitations of the “egoic mind”.

Intuition is your soul’s communication system. Its not mystical or occult or even far away. It is your primary language. Not your mind’s primary language. Remember: you are a soul. It is your primary language. Your verbal language, critical thinking are your ancillary languages for your soul.

How can we discern the difference between the true language of the soul and that of the mind. There are qualities to both.

The soul always communicates a curiosity about life. Your mind is not curious, except to prove its beliefs/concepts true of false. Soul exists in a state of wonderment, awe about the infinite potential of creation!

Soul communicates divine guidance through a deep sensation of trust, faith, knowing. You will feel it like a warm hug, a sensation of peace, or an abiding truth. You will feel it as a solid knowing in your body. If you are confronting danger, you will not feel fear but empowered to act. If you are confronting change you will feel aware that you are OK, even in the midst of turmoil. You will have a deep sensation of being held, helped or supported even when your personality or mind are deeply confused or fearful of the events its interpreting.

Soul (you) exist withing the richness of Source and aware of the entirety of your existence before and after physical life. It sees every experience within that context. It knows how and why you are living through a situation and is not tied to any outcome. It experiences your identity as an neutral observer always expressing love, compassion and peace for you, your circumstances, choices and for all other life.

You, as soul, exist within the context of unlimited resources. It will ensure that material needs are met while undertaking its mission. Your soul will lead your through changes in a way that ensures your highest good is served. It will also serve the highest good of all life. You will not be asked to forgo a job at the expense of safety, health and thriving. It may appear that way to your mind; but your soul is interested in your well being and equally powerful to provide profound abundance for you and all concerned. You will always be led into fulfillment, prosperity, joy when you are honoring you as soul with a divine mission.

You as a soul, have a divine mission. Your mission is to expand divine consciousness through your natural talents and interests. When you follow this truth, your soul expresses joy through you. When you resist these, your soul feels thwarted and you will feel that as pain, suffering, stuckness, exhaustion, fear, anxiety, health problems, emotional anguish, depression and stress. When you honor your soulful expressions, you will feel this as joy, empowerment, peacefulness, strength, vitality, creativity, health, emotional equanimity, and trust.

Souful guidance is consistent. It does not change tune or direction. It conveys the same tug, push, longing, desire until you fulfill its guidance. It will pull or push you over months, years, lifetimes if necessary. It will be the same until you fulfill the guidance. Your soul will not change direction. You will feel, hear, know, sense, see or dream about this guidance until you enact it. Your soul will not change “its direction” or guidance to suit your mental or emotional comfort. It knows that your mental and emotional comfort are founded in beliefs that exclude you knowing you are a soul (eternal divine being).

Soulful guidance is loving, compassionate and forceful. It is not confrontational or controlling. It is powerful but not overpowering. It does not prove you or others “right or wrong”. It sounds familiar within you. If you hear it as a voice within you, it speaks in third person. If you are hearing it as first person “I should or have to or need to…” that is not soul guidance – that is mind guidance.

Soul will not procrastinate. It will not give reasons to avoid a situation that serves your highest good. It will not delay your process. It is willing and ready NOW. It will provide material support and resource beyond what your mind can conceive. It will embrace all that is love and light. It does not judge you or others. Soul is inclusive.

False Guidance is a highly distinctive quality from soulful truth. False guidance is the direction from the physical mind that is confined to this lifetime, physical evidence, limited resources and your beliefs. It does not include any universal or spiritual truths in its processing. False guidance is fear based. Though the mind has a value for the soul, it exists for the distinct purpose to serve the soul in its physical enrichment. Your soul knows the mind believes in itself and never colludes with your mind’s beliefs. Your soul does not see you as “small” or the person that you are now. Your soul does not value the mind other than as a tool for physical expression of spirit. Your mind believes it is the pilot of your life. It believes it is the ultimate resource for fact and truth. It will always seek and ultimately provide evidence for physical reality as “the ultimate truth”. Its very proud of itself when it does so.

False guidance has a vibrational tone of fear. It is founded in the separation from Creative Source so you, as soul, can experience autonomous creative power on Earth. This gift is meant to be understood. Just as you know, when you play a video game in which you take on a character, you never believe “I am that character”. You always know you are playing a game as a character. Your soul always knows you are experiencing this life as a character or personality that you believe is “you”. Your soul manifests your mind to allow the experience of full autonomy from creation. Your soul then experiences pure freedom from Source as a personality, so you can feel “human” and expand through that experience as a divine creative power.

The mind thrive on control. Its guidance always uses physical evidence or what it perceives as fact (almost always founded in belief – not fact). False guidance is addicted to belief as truth and convinces you to live in a practical world. It constantly refers to being “practical” or “realistic which is code for “false guidance of ego”. Because it believes you are not an eternal, infinitely powerful being of source energy, its is constantly afraid of death and failure. It perceives its life as so important that “its mission must be fulfilled” but without any realization that its mission means relinquishment of your identification with being ‘not-soul’.

False guidance is not empowering to your soulful dreams. It leaves you feeling hopeless and helpless or better than others. It judges your dreams as too big, unrealistic and selfish. It will convince you that you are unworthy of your soul’s dreams or “bigger than others”. Neither is real. False guidance relies on comparisons: “you are not as talented as other” or “you are more talented than other”. Soul never compares you to other. False guidance thrives on competition.

You are divinely equipped to fulfill all of your soul’s powerful dreams into this life. The only limit on this is your mind and its false beliefs and guidance. False guidance loves status quo and is equally impulsive. Its impulsiveness exists to appease your soul. It can never do this, but it will give you “quick fixes” to the constant urging from your soul. If your soul is longing to live in a sunshine place, your mind will have you buy a light to soothe the call. But your soul will not be satisfied with this fix. It will keep urging you and so your mind will try to appease the call by telling you that its hard to move, you cannot afford it in this economy, your family will miss you and there is no work where you want to go. Your soul will not cooperate with your mind. It will keep urging you to change. You will take a vacation in a sunshine spot and feel nourished. Your soul will not quit. It will still urge you to move. It will provide dreams, signs, opportunities for your constantly. Until you surrender the addiction to your mind’s ideas of how to live, your soul will keep asking this of you. What you do not fulfill in this lifetime, you will fulfill in the next or the one after that …and so on. Your soul will not change its tone. It will keep on the same path until you realize that you are that soul…and not your mind. Your mind’s false guidance makes you feel guilty for wanting more or something different. False guidance thrives on shrinking your power. It believes you are better off going along, doing what’s expected and making others happy or you happy in spite of others. Soul nourishes all life. Even when its not obvious to the mind.

False guidance keeps your struggling financially. It ties you to finite resources. It sees money as hard to come by, life as hard and you as limited. It drains you of energy, power, resources, time, support and money. It creates anxiety, depression, fear, doubt and worry.

Divine guidance reveals limitless resources and empowers you financially. It sees money as energy in constant supply. Soul experiences life as a joyful opportunity to express itself into every blissful form! Soul empowers you, creates feeling of love, vitality, healthy, trust, peace. It is compassionate and loving. It is not nice – it is a powerfully compassionate force of truth. Nice is compliant to ego. Kindness is expressing compassionate power in action.

You are a soul meant to live an intuitive life. You have a mind with an ego. Your mind is not you. You are not your mind or emotions or body. You are a soul. You as a soul are innately powerful, creative and rich. You as a soul are healthy, vibrant and prosperous. You as a soul are capable of bringing through whatever you allow into your world. Intuition is how you as soul communicate the vastness of divine potential into every facet of your life!

When you remember you are a soul; not someone with a soul – your connection to intuition shifts. Its not an elusive language of the occult or mystical few. Intuition is the natural language of SOUL. Intuition is your access to eternal truth, universal laws and infinite creative power. You don’t lose intuition. You learn to believe in your mind over time and live from its guidance. But now, consciousness is evolving through humanity. As divine consciousness expands, we are being asked to remember our true identity as soul.

Living intuitively is not about psychic predictions or communicating with “the dead” (spirit). It is about living your soul’s truth and bringing that into this physical experience. That may include seeing and knowing beyond the mind’s limitations of thought and communications with non-physical spirits. But its purpose is always to create through your physical mind, emotions, body into exquisiteness. Intuition is what allows you to know who you are. Your soul longs to express its magnificence through your physical form. When you allow your soul to do so, you uplift all of life. You contribute to life. You ensure life is enriched for generations.

You are a soul. Intuition is your language. You are infinitely powerful. Your soul’s expression is our gift. Thank you for remembering who you are, bringing your gifts into our world and blessing us with YOU! It is my great joy to reflect soul back to you, to support your soul's expression and to nurture your divine process of intuitive awakening!

Namste, Lori

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Who is Responsible?

Recently there have been several incidents in the newspaper that evoked the question: “who is responsible?” A 15-year-old teenage girl was gang raped within a group of onlookers cheering the assailants. The crowd watched and twittered details of the events, while never standing up to stop the assault from happening. A few weeks prior, a young boy walking home from school accidentally found himself in the center of a gang war. The two warring gangs displaced their rage onto the boy and beat him to death in the presence of silent onlookers. No one stopped the descent into madness. When reflecting on these incidents, who do you believe is responsible?

Children are abused and experience incest and molestation within family systems that deny the incidents or fail to confront the perpetrators who live within their midst. Addicts thrive within systems that unwittingly allow the dysfunction to continue. When this happens, who is responsible?

The Earth has been profoundly impacted by ongoing pollution and misuse of resources. Her climate is changing, wildlife is disappearing and resources are either toxic or eroding. Who is responsible?

The other day my friend Rochelle spoke of our mutual friend’s distress. Rochelle is a compassionate individual and as she shared her concern for our friend’s dilemma she boldly stated, “her problem is not my problem.” And our group of friends easily concurred. A friend is in trouble: her heart is aching over a recent loss, her financial circumstances are serious and employment eludes her. Who is responsible?

Our mind easily buys into the thought that “her problem is not my problem”. The ego believes this concept and will boldly offer evidence for its foundation. Because the ego exists in a state of separation from soul and therefore life, it sees all issues as separate from itself and creates effective defenses to support its position. The soul however, does not exist in isolation from life. Soul lives in complete oneness with all life. It lives in constant awareness of us as one unified energetic reflection of source connected to every other soul and all life. Soul is fearlessly responsive and willingly responsible whatever it encounters. When you breathe deeply into your true essence, beyond your thinking mind, you will not need to search long for the answer “who is responsible?

The Dalai Llama says, “ ‘we’ and “they” no longer exist. The planet is just us. The destruction of one area is the destruction of yourself. That is the new reality”. This statement is founded on the universal truth that we are interconnected beings - not seperate individuals having unique experiences. When we remember who we are – souls, not bodies or personalities – we access all the power we need to respond to whatever life presents. We do not feel overwhelmed, we do not avoid life's struggles or percieve any one's suffering as though it is that person's problem alone. And we do not try to fix or cover up what we encounter. We don't step into a mess or avoid it. When we are fully connected to our soul, we know we have the innate power to respond to life effectively.

If you are like me, you have masterfully created defenses that have you believing you are separate from life. All humans have these defenses in place. When faced with suffering in some form, whether it’s a friends anguish, the economy’s decline, twisted news events, global unrest or environmental imbalance you may shut down, feel overwhelmed, become overly responsible or wish someone else would “wake up and get it.” The defenses are limitless but none reflect your soul's innate power to responsively act. Defenses live within the ego. The human ego is very clever and well equipped to remain as the pilot of your life and to do so it needs your cooperation. By believing in your separateness, smallness and powerlessness, it convinces you to keep out of touch with your infinite power. And then soul remains in the deep recesses of your being, feeling elusive. And so do the answers. But neither is true or inevitable.

You are not your body or your mind. You are not your beliefs or circumstances. You are not confined to live in the struggle. The world's problems are not too big for you or me or inevitable. But in your mind’s belief system, you will feel trapped by the defenses that you learned in early life to cope with life's challenges. You can shift from defensive posturing into a soulful response.

Start by remembering your true essence. This is not something you can know from intellectual awareness or abstract understanding. Your soul is YOU. It has to be experienced directly. Start by breathing deeply into your being. Slow down your breathing and feel into your eternal nature. Set the intention to know YOU as a soul. Discover your true identity. Learn the truth of who you are, beyond all other pursuits. Breathe deliberately into your body, elongate your exhale and set the intention to recover your innate connection to your soul. You were born fully awake. Your mind did not hold defenses to your soul at birth. You can recover this innate connection.

Quietly breathe in and out and listen deeply to your soul. Go beyond your thoughts, beliefs and all of your ideas of self. That mind chatter will flow. Choose to notice it without judging its noise or following its call. Simply observe its stream while you seek to discover your essence of being that existed before you became this person that you see as "you"; the you that exists beyond your physical birth and death. Reclaim your birthright and power. Know who you are – truly. Within you is the infinite power of source energy. By knowing your soul, when the world presents challenges, you will access powerful solutions to life. Your soul will tap into the resources of infinite power within you that can creatively respond to whatever is presented. You will fearlessly know you are able to respond.

Whatever exists in my path, I am responsible. Whatever you see in life, you are responsible. We are all able to respond. From within your soul, the answers arise. From within your soul, the power lifts. From within your soul and mine, we create a whole new world.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Spirits or Psychosis?

Yesterday I was watching the Oprah show. Highlighted on her program was a family coping with a young girl who had been diagnosed with the rare condition of early onset schizophrenia. Schizophrenia usually appears in the late teens or early twenties and predominately in males. This child’s episodes began when she was quite young - before the age of 4. She spent hours in conversation and engaging play with her “imaginary friends”. At first the girl’s behavior was tolerated until some of her imaginary friends began driving her to behave in violent ways toward herself and others. This is when the parents who clearly love their daughter, sought intervention. A respected psychiatrist determined the child was hallucinating and psychotic. He diagnosed her as a rare case of early childhood schizophrenia.

Oprah showed a film clip of the girl swimming in a pool. There, she was shouting to protect her imaginary friend from drowning. I could see her friend with my own intuitive sight. He was an animal and he was swimming away from her, toward the deep end. It occurred to me that hallucinations are not visible to the clairvoyant eye. And I was clearly able to see her friend in that film. As I looked more closely at the child, I could see many spirits surrounding her. Some were friendly, but most were lost souls seeking expression. Intuitively, I sensed this child brought her psychic abilities with her at birth. She also brought the struggle to master her energy in a way she had not done in other incarnations. I felt like screaming aloud as I watched this tormented child and her loving parents walk away from the source of her condition, into a well-meaning attempt to manage her pain. Medication did not make the spirits go away; they were all still there. But at times, medicine dulled her senses enough to make it seem less invasive and her behavior slightly more tolerable.

There was a second child brought into Oprah’s discussion. This second child, who was also diagnosed with the rare early-onset schizophrenia, described with precision that spirits communicate to her and how when one attaches to her, she gets a migraine. I have seen this exact scenario occur in adult clients. This child described her experience verbatim and the adults in her world labeled her psychotic. Is she?

As an intuitive I sense spirits everywhere. As a child, I could always see multiple dimensions, future outcomes and the divine realms with ease. In the past, I have even been strongly overrun by spirit energies and manipulated into emotions and actions that were uncharacteristic of me, when I did not fully understand what was happening. It took intentional discernment to discover how to master my energy so that I could work with the spirit world in a safe and highly constructive way. Having such experiences within a culture that is uncomfortable believing that non-physical energies exist, that they can communicate with the physical world and do often directly impact it, can create a serious sense of isolation within a child experiencing this non-ordinary reality. It kept me silent about my intuitive abilities for decades.

I also grew up with a schizophrenic brother. My brother, Scott, was seven years my senior and a hero within my eyes. As a young teen, he read all of Carlos Castaneda’s books. It was only later that I discovered Carlos Castaneda wrote about shamanism and the ability to have direct knowledge of the unseen realms of spirit. It seemed my brother was drawn to understanding the nature of reality. When Scott went to college he experimented with psychedelic drugs, much like Carlos Castaneda. But Scott’s journey did not open him to a world of empowered living; it led him to an unforgiving lifelong battle with schizophrenia. Scott then spent most of his adult life within hospitals and group homes, struggling to find moments of peace.

Often I would visit my brother in the hospital. The energy in such places is replete with density. One day, I had cloaked myself in divine prayer just prior to my visit with Scott. I entered the lobby to discover my brother, several fellow patients and a room full of spirits watching television. One gentleman approached shouted upon my arrival: “You’re here!” he declared, “Will you please help me lose these mean people standing behind me!” I could see the angry spirits clustered behind him as they relentlessly jabbered expletives into his ears. My brother then looked boldly into my eyes and pleaded with me, “Lori, my room is filled with swarms of bees and dangerous people. Please clear my room.” Without questioning his pleas, I walked down the cold hallway to his room to see what was happening. There, I observed dark, clouds of energy floating about. I filled my heart with love and fearlessly called on the light of God and Divine Angels as I walked through the room instinctively cleansing the space, insisting that all energies not attuned with the divine leave now! I asked Archangel Michael and his band of mercy to stand as guardians to Scott’s room, holding the divine light intact. I then walked my brother back to his and asked what he saw. “Finally”, he said “its clean! Thank you”. His eyes were filled with a powerful peacefulness I had not seen often in the thirty years of his schizophrenia.

I had not been formally trained in energy work, spirit releasement or any other type of spiritual practice when this happened. My response was an intuitive answer to a soulful request. It made me wonder if I might have helped my brother differently during his lifetime. When my brother lay dying in his bed a few years ago, he was clinging to life. I sat next to him in prayerful meditation asking for mercy for his soul while calling upon The Divine Mother to enfold him in compassion and carry him to the light of God. Suddenly a beautiful being lowered herself to Scott’s chest, took his spirit into her arms and ascended into the light. He then took his last breath.

The children struggling with the invasion of spiritual entities on Oprah Winfrey’s program can be helped through non-traditional means. Is this the only answer? I do not know. Perhaps a combination of spiritual intervention and traditional support will serve the highest good. As a clairvoyant, I can confirm that the children on her program were not describing hallucinations: they were in fact seeing and hearing spirits in their very presence. Medication will not prevent the spirit world from interacting with them. While medicine may provide behavioral fluidity, it may also reinforce the child’s sense of powerlessness over circumstances that can be corrected when fully understood. My prayer is that we will open a meaningful dialog that allows us to expand our understanding of the suffering so we together we may bridge modalities and discover new interventions that stretch beyond the current dictates of our scientific model.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Answering Life’s Questions by Using Your Intuition
By Lori B.Lipten, M.A. published in Daily Tribune August 30, 2009

My nine-year-old daughter consistently tells me “the answer came from inside me mom.” Children are all born intuitive because it is a reliable inner resource for wisdom to guide every facet of our lives. It seemingly comes from “no where” and yet we are all capable of using intuition in a consistent manner to help us navigate through every day challenges and to fulfill our greatest life ambitions. You can develop your intuition into a dependable inner compass, guiding you to fulfilling experiences.

Most people can connect with a quiet, inner voice that has a guiding force to it. Intuition’s messages are compassionate, empowering and life enhancing. It will not diminish you or focus on the downside of life choices. Your inner guide is decidedly different from the chatter of your mind and the constant “self-talk” that reinforces struggle, minimizes you or another, or sees life in black or white terms. Your inner voice may be very subtle at first. Like a developing muscle, it takes practice to strengthen it. To cultivate your inner voice, sit in a comfortable position, then breathe deeply into your body, hold your breath for a moment before elongating your exhale. Do this several times as deep breathing relaxes your body and will allow you to notice the inner voice with greater ease. Then ask yourself a question such as “What action will serve my highest good at this time?” Continue breathing without searching for an answer and just focusing on the stillness of your body, as you relax. You may see an image in your mind, feel a sensation or emotion or you may suddenly know what to do next. Pay attention to how you feel. Do you feel calm, peaceful and expansive when the answer emerges? Then your intuitive voice has answered. Sometimes it can be helpful to write your answers in a notebook and notice the way your voice communicates with you, how the actions support your happiness and health and how you feel about listening to your innate wisdom.

Dreams can also be a gateway to your intuitive wisdom. Dreams occur when our brain is in the most receptive state of consciousness. When you are awake, your brain operates in a very active state called Beta, which precludes most intuitive activity. As the brain relaxes in Alpha, intuition is more accessible. Alpha occurs when we are in guided visualization, daydreaming or exercising. As the brain slows down into a far more relaxed state, we enter Theta. In a theta state we feel open, creative and deeply connected to intuitive guidance. During sleep, our brain enters the delta state. During the dream state, there is no resistance to the processing of intuitive wisdom and a wealth of guidance may be provided through metaphorical answers.

Before going to sleep, write down a question you want answered like,” does taking this job serve my highest good?” Thank you inner wisdom for providing clear, understandable guidance for you through your dreams. Set the intention to remember your dream in the morning. Upon waking, sit quietly reflecting upon your dream. You may want to pick up your pen and write whatever comes into your consciousness during the first few moments after waking. Do not engage in conversation or analyze what you write, simply let your inner voice come through. Do not worry about the answers being overt or literal. Dreams are symbolic episodes to bring you into deeper contact with your unconscious self.

Emotions and feelings are often the most common and easiest intuitive messages to discern. Your body will be relaxed and your emotions will be empowering when the intuitive wisdom is affirming your thoughts or decisions. When your intuitive guidance is attempting to tell you “no” then you will feel sad or anxious. Your body will feel tight, uneasy and closed when you are going against your intuitive truth.

To practice discovering your intuitive sensations, take several deep breaths, while sitting in a comfortable position. Then ask yourself a question that can only be answered affirmatively. I can ask, “Is my name Lori”. As you feel the sensations of your body saying, “yes” to your question, practice with a few more. Be sure they are unambiguous, so that only a “yes” is the truthful response. Then ask yourself a question that is a definite “no”. A no will make my belly feel tight; my shoulders draw in and even give me a twinge in my throat because it is a definitive “no”. If you feel physically uncomfortable or emotionally ill at ease, your intuition is urging you to consider an alternative answer. To attune your inner wisdom, practice listening to your emotions and the sensations within your body regularly. By doing so often, you will strengthen your intuitive muscles.

Listening to your intuition allows you to live a more authentic life. Intuition may guide you to find answers you had not considered; try new opportunities you did not know could improve your life and express your inner truth in ways that enhance your relationships. It can open you to healthier choices. By practicing listening to your intuition, you empower your inner wisdom to be the guiding force for your remarkable life.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

How Beliefs Impact Your Life
By Lori B. Lipten, M.A.
Most of what we experience in life is based on what we believe about our world, ourselves, our abilities and limits. Beliefs tend to be accepted as true. But what if our beliefs were wrong? Most of the great scientists, philosphers, inventors and thinkers throughout history have dared to challenge what was accepted as reality. Breakthroughs and new horizons are revealed by openly questioning commonly held beliefs.

To live our creative potential we can begin by challenging the readily accepted beliefs we hold onto that shape who we are and what we experience. In his book, The Biology of Belief, Dr. Bruce Lipton shares exciting new data that our DNA can be upgraded through intentional choice. Cellular science reveals that our interpretation of our environment directly impacts the actitivity within our genes. Other scientists are unraveling similar findings about the power of our perceptions to shift our physiology and experience in life.

Victor Frankl made an astounding discovery in the darkest hour of his life while in a nazi concentration camp. He stated, “our attitude towards what has happened to us in life is the important thing to recognize. Once hopeless, my life is now hope-full, but it did not happen overnight. The last of human freedoms, to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, is to choose one's own way.” Frankl and Lipton are not talking about will power, reciting positive affirmations or giving oneself a pep talk. Instead, the invitation is to discover meaning and conscious choice in every moment of life, no matter the circumstances we face. This is a courageous and substantive response to life.

Beliefs are held within the subconscious mind. They are formed throughout early development, when we exist in a highly suggestive brain state called a hypnagogic state. During this profoundly impressionable phase of development, habits and beliefs become programmed and embedded in the subconscious. Children adapt the beliefs that determine perceptions through imitation of the adults, peers and other influences within their environment.

According to cellular science, when the subconscious mind perceives safety and supportiveness, cellular structures thrive. When stress is perceived by the mind, cellular structures stop focusing on growth and eventually deteriorate. The mind’s perceptions are shaping physiological outcomes of our cells that influence health, mental acuity, emotional balance and even spiritual fulfillment.

We are capable of overriding the beliefs stored within our subconscious mind. Beliefs exist within the mind like a stored file. When a circumstance arises, the subconscious mind responds by uploading the stored file that resembles current dynamics. This “belief file” immediately instructs the cellular structures of the mind, body and emotions to perceive and respond to reality based on the past. Through intentional choice however, one can re-write the subconscious file and create a whole new destiny.

There are many new methods that can be employed to support you in disarming old belief habits and allowing whole new horizons to be discovered and created. Meditation, mindfulness, energy psychology, and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) are a few of the modalities that can support re-writing new subconscious programs that serve overall health in mind, emotions, body and spirit. Deep breathing will stop the autopilot functioning of the reactive subconscious and allow a new script to be inserted. Creative visualization that employs all the senses directs your cellular functioning so a whole new creation cycle can emerge through you intentionally. When Victor Frankl told us that we can choose our own way, little did he know that science would uncover this very truth: you have the ability to directly impact your cellular health through your conscious choices. That is how powerful you are!

About the Author
Copyright © 2009 by Lori B. Lipten, M.A.
Lori Lipten, M.A. is the founder of Sacred Balance a practice devoted to Conscious Living. She provides Intuitive Consultations, coaching and workshops that promote intentional living. Lori will be holding a book club discussion, July 9 on the Power of Belief authored by Ray Dodd. Lipten provides workshops on Intuitive Development, Conscious Creation and Meditation.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Prosperity is You

This is a channeled message from my spiritual guidance team, The Rays of Orion....

We are the Rays of Orion. We are beings of the Golden Ray of light, an aspect of the Elohim and the divine source of life on Earth. We are divine beings who serve expansion, consciousness and light within all humanity. We act as guiding forces for Lori's ascension and service in this lifetime, though we have been with her since her inception as a human. We love all life. We only serve the highest good through vibrational expansion in all ways that are allowed within the human experience of life.

You are all benevolent beings of light too. This is only known through the gateways of intuitive processing. Intuition is the accessing of that which is not physical or confined by the ego. When one accesses life through the ego, understanding is greatly limited. Resources become scarce and love is conditional. When one opens the gateway into intuitive processing, life expands beyond the physical into its true nature.

There is no life form you cannot experience. You are vastly more powerful than your mind understands. To accept this in a dogmatic context will feed your ego. To open to this divine truth is to be accessed through your heart chakra. That opens the gateway to your divine nature. As you do this, you will know the truth of this statement.

You are eternal life having a human experience. Within your essence is full creative power. You exist at your core as potential. Your consciousness which is illuminated through intention, allowing and actions will shape that potential into whatever form you are willing to experience. You are so much more powerful than you have yet realized.

Money is one way that humans have created a system of scarcity. The mind created money to reflect its fear that life, resources and prosperity are scarce commodities to be sought after. This illusion is so fervently accepted into the human consciousness, it is now a universally accepted reality. But it is a lie; no less one than believing you are not divine; life is permanent or that you are unsupported. These lies are also pervasive. We will deal only with money in this session.

When you focus on money, you are feeding the concepts of the ego. When you open to your divine nature, through your intuitive accessing, you allow the prosperity of potential to expand into limitless experiences. This prosperity will be expressed into whatever forms you enjoy through your allowing. You cannot chase wealth and have it. That ego illusion has created more suffering than almost all others on earth. However, you can be wealth. That wealth exists right now, within you. As you breathe deeply into your true nature, feel the expansiveness of your true essence as a glowing wealth of limitless power and abundance, you can then allow your consciousness to shape this prosperity into the forms of your pleasure. the more you practice this, the easier this creative pathway will be. You will not be drawing into your life wealth: you are wealth. There is nothing to draw. You will only be realizing your innate prosperity and allowing this to be expressed through your consciousness. And then realizing its expression in every form you enjoy.

A meditation: You practice this beginning now. Sit comfortably without interruption. Open your spine to allow its energy to flow freely. Breathe deeply into your belly. Release all fear and doubt which exist as illusions bred from the fear that you are not the divine essence of God/Source. Breathing into your lower abdomen deeply, elongate your exhale. Imagine a golden ray of divine light pouring into your crown chakra (top of your head) and gently saturating every cell of your being with golden light. You will feel luminous. Let the light saturate every aspect of your body and being. Then, stretch the light to radiate outward from your center, so that you are sitting in a luminous energy field of light. A sphere of golden, healing exquisite divine light surrounds you now. Feel into this sensation. In your mind's eye, allow yourself to access your prosperity. You are a divine being of infinite power and prosperity. As a creative source of light, you are prosperous. Imagine the sensations of having every need fulfilled with ease. See yourself experiencing life in perfect flow, in the abundance of all that is now. You are now the source of your prosperity. This source is a luminous ray of prosperity that emanates from your seven primary chakras. Feel the light source of prosperity radiating throughout your being. As this does. Let yourself bask in the brilliance of your prosperity. How does it feel to be wealth right now? Prosperous right now? You are completely cared for, enriched, free. You are peaceful, relaxed, open and trusting of life. You are rewarded joyfully in this moment with rich sensations of grace, love and abundance.

Continue radiating your rays of prosperity. Are there forms, symbols of prosperity that you enjoy? Does prosperity equate with an emotional state? Feel into this now. Radiate this now. Does prosperity equate with independence, financial abundance and freedom? Feel into this now. See yourself in this state clearly in your mind. Feel its truth now. How does prosperity radiate into the physical world through you? Let your consciousness play with this. Feel into this experience NOW. This is your infinite power being allowed to express its truth through your willingness to allow it into full expression. See, feel, know, hear, sense, smell...allow this reality to joyfully expand throughout your consciousness, your being, radiating freely from each chakra. As you play with these images and feelings, expand them. Allow even more. Grow in your awareness of your divine essence. Remember you and life are one. What you grant yourself, all life will benefit. You and life are one. What you give to you, you give to other. What you take from you or other, you take from other and you. Give abundantly to life. Let your rays of prosperity shine brightly, freely, unconditionally. Learn to shape your expressions of prosperity.

When you are complete with your play in this state, thank your spirit for expanding into divine forms throughout your life. Feel the gratitude of your prosperous being and its expressions into life. Express your appreciation for your divine nature freely now. "I am intentionally expressing my higher self into every aspect of life now. I am divinely led, abundantly blessed and living my soul's expansive truth in this and all moments. Aho. Amen. And so it is".

We are the Rays of Orion. We are beings of light serving the expansion of love, truth and joy on Earth. May you realize your infinite power in this moment, use it to serve your soul's expansion and life on Earth in the most joyful, loving expressions. Namaste.