Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Soul versus Ego

One of my greatest joys is to assist individuals in accessing the innate wisdom of soul. Every one is born intuitive because intuition is the language of soul and spirit, sometimes called non-physical reality. Intuition is our primary language. We use it communicate while developing within the womb and after our physical birth before verbal language takes over. In the western world, verbal language reflects the unconscious ego or fear-based mind. That linear thinking machinery is linked to the physical world for its concepts, while your soul exists in the timeless truth of limitless creative power.

The first step in reclaiming your intuitive birthright begins by remembering that you are a soul. You do not have a soul. Its not something that is part of you. You are a soul. You are a not a physical person with a soul. You are a soul who is living in a physical world. You are a soul with a physical body, a mental and emotional body. Your physical, mental and emotional bodies are manifestations of your soul. Your soul is here on Earth to experience a physical creative process. Your soul is like a cell within the body of a Divine Consciousness. That divine consciousness (aka God, Source, The-All-that-is) is evolving human consciousness. Your soul’s mission is to allow that divine consciousness to be expressed through your physical, mental and emotional creative process of life.

You are a soul having a physical experience. The language of your soul is intuition. Intuition is not an elusive language. It is your primary language. But it is not the language of your mind. Because your soul’s mind is limited to this physical lifetime, it does not grasp non-physical reality easily. It experiences intuition as “hard to grasp”. Your mind requires physical evidence for it to believe in a concept. Your mind does not understand you as a soul. It perceives you as the identity of your personality and experiences you as a finite being that begins at physical birth and ends at physical death. Your mind believes you and your resources are tied to the physical world and that you are therefore a limited being with limited power.

Your soul is constant. It exists before your physical birth and after your physical death. It does not experience your personality in this lifetime as itself. It experiences your personality as a tool through which consciousness is expanding. It sees your identity as a means for creative expression. It knows that your body, mind and emotions are temporary.

Your soul lives in constant contact, connection and identification with the Creator or Source of Life (aka God, the-all-that-is, etc). Your soul lives in constant contact with all source energy. Therefore your soul is unlimited in its creative potential, power, wisdom, health, joy and peace. Your soul exists as a cellular holographic representation of the creative source of life. Intuition is how your soul communicates this profound potential to your physical sense of being: mind, body, emotions.

Your soul is always peaceful. It is always resourceful. It is interested in expressing love, joy, health, prosperity and creative abundance in the world that serves your highest good and that of all life. Your soul communicates to your mind, body and emotions constantly. It never stops communicating with you. Because your mind does not know you as soul, it perceives whatever it cannot define in physical terms as “imaginary, unreal, elusive or even occult”. None of these definitions are true. They reflect the limitations of the “egoic mind”.

Intuition is your soul’s communication system. Its not mystical or occult or even far away. It is your primary language. Not your mind’s primary language. Remember: you are a soul. It is your primary language. Your verbal language, critical thinking are your ancillary languages for your soul.

How can we discern the difference between the true language of the soul and that of the mind. There are qualities to both.

The soul always communicates a curiosity about life. Your mind is not curious, except to prove its beliefs/concepts true of false. Soul exists in a state of wonderment, awe about the infinite potential of creation!

Soul communicates divine guidance through a deep sensation of trust, faith, knowing. You will feel it like a warm hug, a sensation of peace, or an abiding truth. You will feel it as a solid knowing in your body. If you are confronting danger, you will not feel fear but empowered to act. If you are confronting change you will feel aware that you are OK, even in the midst of turmoil. You will have a deep sensation of being held, helped or supported even when your personality or mind are deeply confused or fearful of the events its interpreting.

Soul (you) exist withing the richness of Source and aware of the entirety of your existence before and after physical life. It sees every experience within that context. It knows how and why you are living through a situation and is not tied to any outcome. It experiences your identity as an neutral observer always expressing love, compassion and peace for you, your circumstances, choices and for all other life.

You, as soul, exist within the context of unlimited resources. It will ensure that material needs are met while undertaking its mission. Your soul will lead your through changes in a way that ensures your highest good is served. It will also serve the highest good of all life. You will not be asked to forgo a job at the expense of safety, health and thriving. It may appear that way to your mind; but your soul is interested in your well being and equally powerful to provide profound abundance for you and all concerned. You will always be led into fulfillment, prosperity, joy when you are honoring you as soul with a divine mission.

You as a soul, have a divine mission. Your mission is to expand divine consciousness through your natural talents and interests. When you follow this truth, your soul expresses joy through you. When you resist these, your soul feels thwarted and you will feel that as pain, suffering, stuckness, exhaustion, fear, anxiety, health problems, emotional anguish, depression and stress. When you honor your soulful expressions, you will feel this as joy, empowerment, peacefulness, strength, vitality, creativity, health, emotional equanimity, and trust.

Souful guidance is consistent. It does not change tune or direction. It conveys the same tug, push, longing, desire until you fulfill its guidance. It will pull or push you over months, years, lifetimes if necessary. It will be the same until you fulfill the guidance. Your soul will not change direction. You will feel, hear, know, sense, see or dream about this guidance until you enact it. Your soul will not change “its direction” or guidance to suit your mental or emotional comfort. It knows that your mental and emotional comfort are founded in beliefs that exclude you knowing you are a soul (eternal divine being).

Soulful guidance is loving, compassionate and forceful. It is not confrontational or controlling. It is powerful but not overpowering. It does not prove you or others “right or wrong”. It sounds familiar within you. If you hear it as a voice within you, it speaks in third person. If you are hearing it as first person “I should or have to or need to…” that is not soul guidance – that is mind guidance.

Soul will not procrastinate. It will not give reasons to avoid a situation that serves your highest good. It will not delay your process. It is willing and ready NOW. It will provide material support and resource beyond what your mind can conceive. It will embrace all that is love and light. It does not judge you or others. Soul is inclusive.

False Guidance is a highly distinctive quality from soulful truth. False guidance is the direction from the physical mind that is confined to this lifetime, physical evidence, limited resources and your beliefs. It does not include any universal or spiritual truths in its processing. False guidance is fear based. Though the mind has a value for the soul, it exists for the distinct purpose to serve the soul in its physical enrichment. Your soul knows the mind believes in itself and never colludes with your mind’s beliefs. Your soul does not see you as “small” or the person that you are now. Your soul does not value the mind other than as a tool for physical expression of spirit. Your mind believes it is the pilot of your life. It believes it is the ultimate resource for fact and truth. It will always seek and ultimately provide evidence for physical reality as “the ultimate truth”. Its very proud of itself when it does so.

False guidance has a vibrational tone of fear. It is founded in the separation from Creative Source so you, as soul, can experience autonomous creative power on Earth. This gift is meant to be understood. Just as you know, when you play a video game in which you take on a character, you never believe “I am that character”. You always know you are playing a game as a character. Your soul always knows you are experiencing this life as a character or personality that you believe is “you”. Your soul manifests your mind to allow the experience of full autonomy from creation. Your soul then experiences pure freedom from Source as a personality, so you can feel “human” and expand through that experience as a divine creative power.

The mind thrive on control. Its guidance always uses physical evidence or what it perceives as fact (almost always founded in belief – not fact). False guidance is addicted to belief as truth and convinces you to live in a practical world. It constantly refers to being “practical” or “realistic which is code for “false guidance of ego”. Because it believes you are not an eternal, infinitely powerful being of source energy, its is constantly afraid of death and failure. It perceives its life as so important that “its mission must be fulfilled” but without any realization that its mission means relinquishment of your identification with being ‘not-soul’.

False guidance is not empowering to your soulful dreams. It leaves you feeling hopeless and helpless or better than others. It judges your dreams as too big, unrealistic and selfish. It will convince you that you are unworthy of your soul’s dreams or “bigger than others”. Neither is real. False guidance relies on comparisons: “you are not as talented as other” or “you are more talented than other”. Soul never compares you to other. False guidance thrives on competition.

You are divinely equipped to fulfill all of your soul’s powerful dreams into this life. The only limit on this is your mind and its false beliefs and guidance. False guidance loves status quo and is equally impulsive. Its impulsiveness exists to appease your soul. It can never do this, but it will give you “quick fixes” to the constant urging from your soul. If your soul is longing to live in a sunshine place, your mind will have you buy a light to soothe the call. But your soul will not be satisfied with this fix. It will keep urging you and so your mind will try to appease the call by telling you that its hard to move, you cannot afford it in this economy, your family will miss you and there is no work where you want to go. Your soul will not cooperate with your mind. It will keep urging you to change. You will take a vacation in a sunshine spot and feel nourished. Your soul will not quit. It will still urge you to move. It will provide dreams, signs, opportunities for your constantly. Until you surrender the addiction to your mind’s ideas of how to live, your soul will keep asking this of you. What you do not fulfill in this lifetime, you will fulfill in the next or the one after that …and so on. Your soul will not change its tone. It will keep on the same path until you realize that you are that soul…and not your mind. Your mind’s false guidance makes you feel guilty for wanting more or something different. False guidance thrives on shrinking your power. It believes you are better off going along, doing what’s expected and making others happy or you happy in spite of others. Soul nourishes all life. Even when its not obvious to the mind.

False guidance keeps your struggling financially. It ties you to finite resources. It sees money as hard to come by, life as hard and you as limited. It drains you of energy, power, resources, time, support and money. It creates anxiety, depression, fear, doubt and worry.

Divine guidance reveals limitless resources and empowers you financially. It sees money as energy in constant supply. Soul experiences life as a joyful opportunity to express itself into every blissful form! Soul empowers you, creates feeling of love, vitality, healthy, trust, peace. It is compassionate and loving. It is not nice – it is a powerfully compassionate force of truth. Nice is compliant to ego. Kindness is expressing compassionate power in action.

You are a soul meant to live an intuitive life. You have a mind with an ego. Your mind is not you. You are not your mind or emotions or body. You are a soul. You as a soul are innately powerful, creative and rich. You as a soul are healthy, vibrant and prosperous. You as a soul are capable of bringing through whatever you allow into your world. Intuition is how you as soul communicate the vastness of divine potential into every facet of your life!

When you remember you are a soul; not someone with a soul – your connection to intuition shifts. Its not an elusive language of the occult or mystical few. Intuition is the natural language of SOUL. Intuition is your access to eternal truth, universal laws and infinite creative power. You don’t lose intuition. You learn to believe in your mind over time and live from its guidance. But now, consciousness is evolving through humanity. As divine consciousness expands, we are being asked to remember our true identity as soul.

Living intuitively is not about psychic predictions or communicating with “the dead” (spirit). It is about living your soul’s truth and bringing that into this physical experience. That may include seeing and knowing beyond the mind’s limitations of thought and communications with non-physical spirits. But its purpose is always to create through your physical mind, emotions, body into exquisiteness. Intuition is what allows you to know who you are. Your soul longs to express its magnificence through your physical form. When you allow your soul to do so, you uplift all of life. You contribute to life. You ensure life is enriched for generations.

You are a soul. Intuition is your language. You are infinitely powerful. Your soul’s expression is our gift. Thank you for remembering who you are, bringing your gifts into our world and blessing us with YOU! It is my great joy to reflect soul back to you, to support your soul's expression and to nurture your divine process of intuitive awakening!

Namste, Lori

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