Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The following message is from the Great Brotherhood of Light as channelled through Jedda Mali. My master spiritual guidance team are referred to as the Rays of Orion (Orion of the Elohim). They work with the Brotherhood of Light interactively; though they are distinct in purpose, they are similar in resonance. The following message is a highly significant message about consciousness and I felt compelled to share it here:

We have come to a time in humanity's journey when the gap between Heaven and Earth is closing. Truth has been available to all throughout the ages but only understood by a few. Our purpose, in this communication, is to remind mankind of the key principles that govern your whole experience here on Earth. Life is not currently viewed in its true light; there is so much more going on than many are aware of. In the next few years, there is an unprecedented opportunity for the people of Earth to move out of struggle and into freedom, which is the birthright of Man. The time has come for mankind to wake up from a long sleep and see the whole truth; to shift the entire paradigm of human consciousness from limitation to freedom. There are many who have come to assist you in this, a whole host of advanced spiritual beings who are offering their encouragement, support and inspiration. We wish to share with you the many wonders of your existence and to give you our heartfelt reassurance that all is well. It is a very exciting time in the evolution of the Earth. Mankind is becoming Godkind.
At the present time, much of the world still engages in struggle and turmoil. Yet our universe is designed to bring about joy, love, wisdom, peace and harmony. Why is there such a gap between our potential and our current circumstances? It is the paradigm in which we operate that determines our reality.

When we change our paradigm from limited human consciousness to unlimited universal consciousness, we are able to evolve out of repeating the same old reactions to events and people. It releases the catch that has kept us going around in circles of struggle and confusion. Life after life. You have no doubt heard the saying that "the truth will set you free"!
There is currently excitement about the Law of Attraction and its ability to bring us what we want. It is becoming well known now that dwelling on, and pushing against, circumstances we don't want creates more of the same. And conversely, consistently holding positive thoughts creates desirable circumstances. We can certainly use it to create more favourable living conditions here on Earth. In the early stages of understanding the Law of Attraction, we are required to consciously exercise choice. The usual process is that we select from a range of options presented by the mind (some of them elevated, some not – which is the human condition) before choosing one and making a response. Increasingly over time, we choose to respond with love, patience, compassion and optimism to events because we become aware that these produce the best results. But subtle fears may still arise at this level, even if we are happy and successful in a worldly sense.

Although there is an element of struggle, even in subtle fears, there is also a beautiful by-product. Challenges in our commitment to positive thinking are helpful, indeed necessary, as we must constantly reassert our intention to give expanded responses to contracted events.
But the Law of Attraction has many levels beyond its ability to manifest desirable material goods. What is not so well understood is the mechanics behind how this works or its original purpose.

At the highest level, the Law of Attraction resumes its original unifying purpose – to align us with God. We reconnect ourselves with our unlimited divine potential arriving ultimately at a unified experience of Oneness. There is no individual preference or desire left. Thoughts, feelings and actions are only concerned with the greater good.

And it is only from this paradigm that choice is left behind and positive creation becomes automatic and effortless.

My friends, please hear us when we tell you - you are a vast and beautiful being. You are the sweetness of Life itself. You are powerful transmitters of light, love and wisdom. You have access to all the secrets and mysteries of the Universe. You are the source of all creation.
You are not working your way up to Goodness. You are goodness. You are not progressing along a path. You are at the destination. You are not trying to figure out God. You are God.
There is no path, no journey, no destination, no process, no steps, no task, no karma, no ritual that will change the fact that YOU ARE ALREADY GOD.

It is this belief, and this belief alone, that ends our struggle. It is the extent to which we believe it and act accordingly that determines our success in, and satisfaction with, life. Not how many Porsches we can manifest in the driveway.

When we embrace the sweetness of this awareness, we find it has been our patient companion all along, ever-present and limitless. And that is when we leap willingly into joyful surrender to Intelligent Grace.

And then what happens?

Moment to moment conscious awareness, resulting in moment to moment conscious intention, resulting in moment to moment conscious thought and attendant feeling, resulting in moment to moment conscious action, resulting in moment to moment conscious union with Universal Flow, resulting in moment to moment conscious satisfaction through to bliss, resulting in moment to moment conscious awareness of that bliss and round we go again. In this paradigm, we are literally expanding without end into more and more bliss. We are creating it. We are designed to create the very fabric of existence!

Notice where ‘intention’ comes into the process. After awareness and before thought. So we see that intention must be imbued with conscious awareness in order to follow through to an ultimately satisfying and life-enhancing result. It is here we meet the interface between Mankind’s potential and the purpose of Life on Earth.

As we shine this light on Truth, it helps people see it more easily for themselves. When we experience the relationship between thought and creation, we realise, with absolute clarity, how our moment to moment intention is determining every aspect of our lives. After a basic understanding is gained, we need to experience this truth on subtler and subtler levels to fully appreciate the magnitude of its scope.

The realisation that we already contain within ourselves all potential, all resources and all qualities is the key to unlocking the fulfillment waiting for you in your relationship to your partner, your family, your business, your community, your finances, your planet and your connection to the Universal Intelligence. It is that key we wish to hand over to you now. Use it well.
The Great Brotherhood of Light

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