Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Afterlife Process.

Ever wonder what happens when we die?

If the individual who dies is prepared for death, the new status of being deceased is accepted and the individual spirit moves through the transition with benevolent helping spirits. When an accident or sudden death happens, the benevolent spirits facilitate the acceptance process. Some individuals do resist the process and remain in a state of hyper focus on the material world. These spirits do not accept death and therefore will remain in a state in between physical and full-ascension into the light but are always given the opportunity to ascend. For most individuals, the transition is a flow from the world of physical experience into a reunion with divine source otherwise known as the "light".

During the ascension process each spirit enters into a stage of after life called "life review". Benevolent helping spirits will assist the individual through this experience too. Much like Ebeneezer Scrooge, the individual will witness her own life with a non-judgmental guidance team. Sometimes, its like witnessing a movie of one's own life. But this review engages all of the senses and allows the individual spirit to experience whatever she created while in the physical world. Every act of love will be felt fully and every other experience will be too. If a spirit created kindnesses and didn't know its effects, these too will be fully felt. If that individual created suffering for anyone else, that too will be experienced. There is no judgment during this process. Only a compassionate witnessing of how life was created and experienced by this particular soul.

The soul then evaluates how these choices served the original purpose for choosing that particular life. Often, loved ones in spirit will assist the newly deceased throughout the review process. These familiar spirits will support the individual and compassionately communicate where love flowed and did not. They too will all participate in healing. Some spirits learn and integrate life lessons easily, while others resist. Though the ego is not a part of ascended living in the light, it is still somewhat present during life review. When one is greatly attached to the physical world, her ego perceptions will prevail through this phase of the afterlife process. But grace is always an option and illumination can happen in a moment

The spirit then integrates what was learned into the vibrational structure of the soul. This becomes part of the soul matrix and serves the trajectory of that individual soul's creative path. What was not fully understood may also be imprinted into the vibrational structure to allow further opportunities for expansion to happen through other physical incarnations or non-physical experiences. The choices about one's soul evolution will be decided by the individual soul and his or her spiritual guidance team. Together, that group will determine the next best steps to serve individual and collective evolution of consciousness.

During the process of life review, a spirit is given the opportunity to make corrections. Just like when we are alive, we can shift into a deeper awareness and behaviors that reflect our understanding. Souls may be granted permission by the spiritual guidance team, to make corrections by coming into the physical world to communicate with the living. This is offered only to positively impact life in ways not done while that individual spirit was alive. This means, the individual spirit will be given clearance to make a communication through an honorable medium; a visitation dream or some other peaceful means to promote healing, understanding, closure and growth.

Spirits are not ever permitted to cause suffering. When this happens, that spirit has not entered into the ascension process and is not participating in life review.

The primary purpose for a medium is to reassure individuals that life is eternal and that spirit can communicate with the physical world and to facilitate the communication of a correction. Mediumship is not meant for casual conversation or to create any form of a dependency on connecting with spirit through a medium. Mediumship serves as a step within the life review process and when done with integrity, the messages will serve the life review of all concerned (by assisting physical and non-physical spiritual evolution).

A life review is a significant opportunity for the growth of all souls. It allows one to see how she fulfilled her purpose and where she allowed fear to dictate choices. Life reviews can be done while still living in physical form. By learning to witness our life honestly without judgments to serve our evolution, we participate in our life review consciously. Divine helping spirits suggest we do this regularly and at least once per year, specifically around the Fall equinox when every soul's records are openly reviewed by spirit annually.

Life review is not a linear process. It can be an ongoing integration depending on the circumstances of that individual soul and its soul family. After the initial stages of a life review which can take anywhere from 4 - 11 months when looked at through linear time, a soul then chooses his or her next steps. Some spirits move into higher dimensions of creation and experiencing.  Some souls experience ever increasing states of bliss, love, joy, freedom. Some rest and reconnect with loved ones in spirit. Some move further into spirit and some choose to keep one foot in the physical world as a helping guide.

Engage in Your Life Review
You can take a fearless and searching inventory of your life at any time. Make the time and space to do this. I suggest going somewhere beautiful, serene and nurturing to your spirit. Sit quietly, breathe deeply and ensure you will not be interrupted. Bring a notebook and pen, get comfortable and relaxed. Then choose to be a "scientist" or "compassionate witness" as you reflect upon your life. Remember, this is not a time for judgment or criticism. This is about discovering who you are and how much of your soul self you are expressing. A conscious life review is an opportunity to honestly choose to live as your true self!

One way to conduct a life review is to write your life story in 3 - 6 paragraphs. Then carefully and compassionately read what you have written. Notice the themes of your life. What are they?

Ask yourself the following without judging your responses:

  • What are you passionate about? Where and how do you express this passion?
  • What guides your daily choices?
  • Where are you creating love, freedom or joy?
  • Where do you feel fear, doubt, anxiety and struggle?
  • Do you hold any resentments? Whom do your resent? What do you resent?
  • What will it take to forgive or release your resentments? What do you gain from holding onto your resentment? What will you gain by letting it go?
  • Do you have any debts? Financial or emotional? Where are you in fear about giving? Do you give freely or fear losing your money, your heart or energy?
  • Are you willing to forgive yourself everything?
  • Are you willing to forgive yourself anything?
  • Where are you unwilling to forgive yourself? And what are you gaining by holding onto your judgment? What might you gain if you absolve yourself?
  • Where are you selfish or self serving? What do you get from this? What do you lose? Are you willing to shift these patterns?
  • Where are you judging or blaming? What do you gain from this? What do you lose? Are you willing to shift these patterns?
  • Where are you kind and generous? What do you get from this? Are you willing to expand these choices?
  • Where are you compassionate and understanding? What do you get from this? Are you willing to expand these choices?
  • What were you born to do in this lifetime? Where are you expressing it? Where do you withhold this purpose? Are you willing to express your purpose now? What will it take to do that?
  • When you die, what legacy do you want to leave behind?
  • What do you want to take with you into your after life?
  • Who are you?
  • Who were you before you were born? Who will you be after you die? How do these answers influence how you experience yourself now?

Everyone dies a physical death. Everyone goes through life review. You can engage this process consciously and expand your soul's experience here on earth now. And all the helping spirits who assist you through life review will happily assist you now. Just open your heart and mind and let the process unfold.

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