Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Wake Up and Create a Miracle

Many think of my work as an intuitive medium, shamanic practitioner or guide as being about communications with spirit.  But intuitive abilities, while core to my work, are not really the point.  Intuition and my work are about exposing the illusions that limit us and revealing the truth of our exquisite potentials. 

Intuition is the communication system of wakeful living.  It shifts you from identifying with the limits you have learned and integrated into your creative process and come to believe as “fate” or “reality”.  By opening to your intuitive truth, you shift out of the restrictions of the stories that define you and make you feel the need to be “special; more than; better than; young; gifted; rich; successful” in order to be happy.  These needs arise from the identification with the tool meant to give you a physical journey as an unlimited creative spirit.  That tool is known by many names: the ego; the personality; the mind; the thought machine; the lower self; the identity; the false persona; the illusion and so on.  No matter what you call it, that tool is not the truth of you.  It is merely a tool given to assist your spirit in having a full immersion experience within the physical world. 

At this point in human evolution, most have come to identify fully with the tool aka the ego – and have given it full power to rule life and create reality.  In short, it’s become a god.   It determines your perceptions; shapes your emotions and physical wellbeing and dictates most of your experience as a person when you live with the ego – stories of your life – as your power source.

We are all invited to live awake.  Wakefulness is the presence or remembrance that you are a spiritual being with unlimited power to create your reality.  Your ego cannot accept that statement as truth.  So it will work hard to prove you wrong and explain how a power outside of you pulls all the strings for your life. 

To live an intuitive life means never accepting what you hear, see or feel as the end game.  It means living in the question.  It asks you to be open to seeing the truth with full awareness that your mind wants to dominate your perception by feeding you lies about who you are and what you can be. Intuitive living is the invitation to discovering truth through direct experience.  Find out – are you truly what you believe?  Do you hold the power to unleash limitless miracles in this lifetime?  Are you truly capable of experiencing unlimited joy, love, health and prosperity without buying into the illusion?  Are you capable of experiencing unlimited joy, love, health and prosperity when you buy into your story (the illusion)?

The video below reveals a light show projected onto a building in Portugal.  Watch the video and notice what appears real.  Projections can seem very real.  What do you notice when you see the movie on the front of the building?  Do you know that you too are creating a movie that is your life? That movie reflects your deepest beliefs about who you are; what you can be and have; what is reality; how much love, joy, health and prosperity is available to you.  What is true?

Watch and let me know what comes up for you…

1 comment:

Pam Belding said...

That was really incredible! What a powerful way to illustrate how our minds project our lives.