Sunday, September 23, 2012

Creating a Life of Love

You are a divine being made of energy from the Source of All-that-is.  When you are experiencing life, you are experiencing that energy to which you are attuned, aligned and allowing with consistency.  This earth plane allows you to create your experience through free will.  The Creative Source of Life has given us that manifest into physical form whatsoever we are willing to allow most consistently into our inner being as thoughts and emotions. 

If you are experiencing life as a struggle, do not judge this whatsoever.  To shift your energy takes consistency of practice.  At your core is the essence from which you were birthed: pure love.  This essence energy can pour into your being by deliberately tapping into it then focusing this energy through your intention. 

Given that we have a mind that is habitually ruminating on things, places and people it cannot control but wish it could - connecting to and allowing divine love into your being takes concerted practice.  But doing so is not only possible, its your powerful purpose as a human.  

Begin with simple steps. 

1) Breathe into a Loving Life.  Take a deep breath right now, into your belly.  Fill your lower abdomen and then your chest fully.  Now elongate your exhale.  Try breathing in on a count of 4 and exhaling on a count of 5.  Breathe in through your nose and exhale out your mouth.  Practice breathing deeply, calming the mind, body and emotions and allowing yourself to saturate your being with the power of breath.  Notice how breathing deeply calms your body.  

2) Call in Light.  Light is a consciousness that will follow thought.  Call light into your being and envision it permeating your whole body.  Imagine Light filling your breath, saturating your cells.  See light illuminating every aspect of your whole being until you are radiant.  Expand the light into your skin, hair.  Now radiate the light into a sphere surrounding your whole body.  Bask in this light and notice how you feel. 

3) Radiate Love.  Once you're breathing deeply and have brought light into your being, imagine someone or something that you love unconditionally.   Feel the love in your heart expanding as you intentionally contemplate unconditional love.  Radiate this love throughout your being, as you simply allow the image of your loved one to fade.  Love is within you always.  Your attention upon it allows the infinite well of love to flow in the direction of your thoughts. Radiate love intentionally and notice how you feel. 

4) Expand Your Energy.  As you continue to breathe and radiate loving light throughout your system, radiate love into the room your sitting.  Notice how you feel as you bask in this radiant love.  Now expand your light and love into your whole community unconditionally.  Simply allow your light to grow.   Notice how your feel as you radiate this love and light outward without conditions.  Now expand your love and light around the earth.  Enfold the earth in your light.  Expand your light to include all of humanity; all animals; all plants; all of earth and all life on earth.  Radiate your light freely.  Notice how you feel.  Radiate your light to all in spirit: the divine helpers, all your all of your descendants.  Notice how you feel. Bask in this sensation.  

5) Direct Your Energy. Continue to bask in the love and light that you are radiating into the universe.  Notice the sensations associated with this practice.  Now radiate your light and love into your day today.  Simply imagine this day and radiate your love and light into this whole day.  See the day unfold as an expression of love.  See yourself doing mundane tasks radiant with light; see each person in this day and radiate your love and light to them.  Enfold the day in love.  Notice how you feel.  Now radiate your love into a key relationship.  See this relationship in your mind and no matter its status, radiate love and light into it.  Feel light flowing from you to him/her and fill that person with light and light.  Seem them radiating with so much light they are glowing.  Radiate light until they are so filled with love and light, that its flowing back to you.  Bask in this sensation. 

Practice radiating this love and light in any situation you are ready to improve.  Radiate your love and light into your finances; into your your body; into your work; into your past; into your career.  Radiate this love without conditions, expanding your light into whatever you choose to think about.  Let your love flow.  Feel the sensations of love without judgments.  Attuning, aligning and allowing love into your experience in this moment will transform now.  

6) Give Thanks.  Once you have radiated your loving light into the areas you choose, give thanks to your heart for this infinite love. Give thanks to your mind for seeing or knowing this energy and focusing on love.  Give thanks to the creative source of life (Aka God, Divinity, The All-That-Is, etc.).  Give thanks to the divine helpers who are always present and willing to assist your expansion of love and light.  Give thanks to your body.  Give thanks to you for practicing this exercise.  Give thanks to whatever you see.  Give thanks to the miracle of your life and the miracle of your ability to love here and now.  Give thanks. And notice how giving thanks feels.

Practice this process daily and notice what happens when you deliberately attune, align and allow love into your conscious experiences.  You are born from love and have the power to experience this divine essence in every facet of your life. Love is who you are.  Put this into practice and create a miraculous life of love.  

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