Monday, September 19, 2011

Facing Down Our Shadow

Recently I read a book called Esoteric Healing written by new age spiritualist Alice Bailey. Within her work, Bailey makes bold assertions that the Jews created their demise in the Holocaust because of their unchecked collective karmic history. She weaves her anti-Semitic rhetoric throughout her supposed channeled works and stands largely unchallenged amongst her followers. Bailey has a vast library of esoteric writings, most of which never mention such explosively harmful diatribe. But like our own personal shadows hidden within our unconsciousness, Bailey’s unbridled bias pours plainly onto the written page in this particular work.

While reading her words, I noticed my breathing become shallow, my skin grew prickly and a haunting sadness rose into my heart. Memories of personal encounters with discrimination merged with the ancestral suffering of my Jewish inheritance and challenged me to pay attention and breathe.

I grew up in a Jewish home knowing many in my family and community who had lost so much under the insanity of Nazi-Europe. And my favorite Polish Grandmother was sent to America as a young teen, all alone, to escape the horrors of the Russian Pogroms. She often shared stories about her youth, describing how her family was terrorized simply for being Jewish. Can you imagine living under that kind of constant threat simply for observing a religion other than the majority?

I was raised to be hyper vigilant regarding anti-Semitic rhetoric and even became a member of the Anti-Defamation League as a young college student. My entire family embodied this fear, having lived through death of loved ones and other hurtful acts all due to prejudices against Jews. Fear of persecution had become imbedded in our psyche and if there is such a thing as a collective psyche, then it exists within the Jewish consciousness too.

Perhaps we have all encountered prejudices and in my life it has shown up in numerous forms: some connect to being Jewish and others do not. Here are some examples:

*When a former corporate boss learned I was Jewish, he turned pale and said “all this time I thought you were one of us”.

*While on a casual date with a fellow student from a college political science course, I shared that I was Jewish. His face grew red as he announced I was a Jew spy, he then ran out and left me alone at the restaurant.

*While walking home from elementary school the Catholic school children often screamed offensive terms to my friends and me: “kike; Heb” and one group pushed my books right out of my hands calling me a “Christ killer”.

*One of my dear childhood friends announced during carpool on the way to elementary school, that her mother had told her that I was not a real Jew, because I had been adopted.

*A puppeteer I hired for my daughter’s birthday party canceled via voicemail message the day before her party, claiming her church had declared me a witch and a danger because I was a medium.

*While attending my husband’s high school reunion, a couple began asking me about my work. Upon learning that I was a medium, they called me an abomination to Judaism and God. Then pursed a relentless attack on my gifts and character that left me balling in the parking lot.

*I once referred a very close friend to my revered shaman mentor and he announced that he could not go to her because his family decided she was really a “white witch”. She is not a witch; not even a “white” witch. That is a common claim for individuals who work shamanically or directly with spirit. But if she was, why would that be grounds for such fearful bias?

*Several fellow graduate students claimed to be Christians and told me that I was working with the devil because I could communicate with the spiritual world and did so professionally.

*My daughter came home from first grade crying “mommy, one of the girls in my class today told me that we killed Jesus. Why is she saying that mommy?”

*At her Montessori pre-school, my daughter was told by her teacher “to stop saying she could see fairies and angels” since they are not real.

Have you ever encountered bias so directly?
Have you ever noticed your own bias toward others?

When I read Alice Bailey’s book that a new acquaintance greatly valued, only to discover the spiritualist leader’s words proclaiming genocide as a manifestation of Jewish prior bad acts, my intuitive dander stood at attention. This happens for me, when I am faced with someone’s projection wrapped in seemingly glib presentation. I needed to know if he was aware of what she had written and was he willing to denounce her insanity.

I have pasted some of Bailey’s quotes below. But before reading them, I'd like to invite you to please find a comfortable position, take a deep cleansing breath and elongate your exhale. Call divine light to you and let the light expand throughout your body until every cell of your being is radiant. As you continue to breathe deeply into your lower abdomen and elongate your exhale,close your eyes and connect to the peacefulness of your own true center coming into your conscious awareness. Then open your eyes read the few excerpts from Bailey’s book, Esoteric Healing written during the Holocaust:

  • Today (1949) the law of racial karma is working and the Jews are paying the price, factually and symbolically 
  • Jewish religious history has been built around a materialistic Jehovah, possessive, greedy, and endorsing and encouraging aggression
  • They (the Jews) have never faced candidly and honestly as a race the problem of WHY the many nations, from the time of the Egyptians, have neither liked nor wanted them... Yet there must be some reason, inherent in the people themselves, when the reaction is so general and universal. 
  • The Jews are the reincarnation of spiritual failures or residues from another planet... The Jew represents materialism, cruelty and a spiritual conservatism, under the domination of the separative, selfish mind, that from which all good New Age disciples want to emerge. 
  • The word "love" for others is lacking in Judaism... The Jew has never grasped the love of God. The God of the Jews is possessive and greedy. Jehovah is not God.
  • Christ came to bring an end to the Jewish dispensation which should have climaxed and passed away as a religion with the [astrological] movement of the sun out of Aries into Pisces....
  • They [the Jews] rejected that which was new and spiritual in the desert
  • Bailey also states: The line that [the Nazis] have taken against the Jewish people, might be turned with almost equal justification against the Jews themselves. The latter have always been separative and have regarded themselves as "the chosen of the Lord" and have never proved assimilable in any nation.

As you continue to breathe in and out, notice how you feel when you read those words. Where is your energy in your body now? Do these words resonate as a spiritual truth within your being? What do you notice?

Breathe deeply and let go of the words completely. Can you? If so, notice this. If not, notice this too.

If Bailey had replaced the word Jew with any other religious or cultural group, my soul’s intuitive dander would still have risen. Would yours? When we don’t catch our own skewed perceptions they pour into the world and have a creative impact. Though Bailey's works didn't lead to the holocaust, her words reflect the Nazi rhetoric that ended in the death of millions. And Bailey continues to be revered as profound. As a new age spiritualist, she should have been confronted then and now.  This is where loving friends can challenge us to take a clear, compassionate look at where we are stuck. But in this case, Bailey and her foundation did neither.

After reading her work fully, I raised my concerns with the acquaintance who pointed me in the direction of Bailey’s work sensing this individual was not anti-Semitic nor was he hyper-vigilant with the imprinted fears of Jewish history. My concerns were challenged and I was told that I didn’t really get it and her and was urged to see Bailey's concepts about Jews within the context of all the great works she provided the world. Couldn't I just see how loving and important a figure she was?  He claimed to abhor separatism but would not go as far as denouncing Bailey’s words about the Jews.  

Can a responsible spiritual teacher truly justify Bailey's stereotypes; false representation of Jewish spiritual constructs;  calling the Jewish people ‘the reincarnation of spiritual failures or residues from another planet? Does a responsible spiritual teacher tolerate the rationalizations of genocide as though it was a karmic destiny; urging Jews to assimilate into the culture to alleviate discrimination and requesting Jews to stop taking away so many opportunities from those who are not Jewish?

I wondered, would only Jewish people be concerned about this? 

Needless to say, I was tweaked about the work itself and the lack of compassion regarding my concerns. I had some work to do to set myself free. So I engaged in mindfulness practice and then I journeyed. Journeying is the shamanic act of directly connecting with the spiritual worlds to access healing, wisdom and guidance. I sought the healing and guidance from my divine helping spirits. While connecting with my divine master teachers in one journey last week, the spirits of Alice Bailey and her teacher, Dwal Khul showed up. To say I was stunned is a gross understatement. Alice Bailey approached me with the aids of two of my master teachers in spirit. To my amazement she offered me direct amends for her spiteful words. She shared in depth how deeply this reflected a trauma within her family story and why spiritual concepts were filtered through her pain. She actually showed me how she was tethered by her father and how this tainted her perceptions. Bailey shared that she did not realized how gravely wrong she had been at the time and was truly contrite while sharing her insight. Her compassion flowed toward me as she encouraged me to stand up to her words and not be swayed by those fearful of challenging her.

And then Dwal spoke. He seemed to be a Buddhist type teacher, draped in simple robes. He told me that he worked with Alice from the spirit realm while she was living in the body because they had known each other in other lifetimes. He was quite austere proclaiming that he never shared insights with her about karma and the Jews. He told me that his words were gravely distorted when she wrote about karma. He told me “karma does not make anyone pay. For once in the light or nirvana, there is only understanding and responding from that awareness or lack of understanding and responding from that lack of awareness. There is no payback. There is no pay forward. There is only now.” While radiating pure compassion toward Alice and me, he wanted me to know that her understanding of his channelings was correct in many cases and incorrect in others – specifically speaking in this encounter about her references to Jews. I turned to my divine helping spirits asking them, “Is this really Alice and Dwal?” They gently reassured me, “Yes. Listen and learn”. So I did. In this journey, both spirits offered me amends and then guided me on the next steps for my healing and communication with my friends and others.

We are all capable of allowing our shadowy wounds to rule our choices. If you are human (and I’ll go out on a limb and assume that you are), you have unconscious wounds that are dictating your thoughts, words and actions right now. As my guides like to say it is those unconscious wounds, also known as imprints within your energy field, that create reality for you. Another way to say it - you create reality through these illusions. Very often we don’t notice their existence until we experience the effects of these imprints as unwanted experiences. But it is these experiences that allow the shadow to be illuminated so we can embrace ourselves compassionately, heal and evolve.

I now feel greater compassion for Bailey. From spirit she urged me to stand in the truth and fearlessly challenge the shadows within her work. She was now willing to see where she had been stuck while living and was still evolving in after-life. And that is a hopeful prospect.

I too am a work in progress. I am cultivating compassion for all of us who may be lost in the dictates of the unconscious shadow. I am grateful for a wakeful community of friends who willingly observe themselves, share when they are stuck or have been and process deeply within relationship in ways that allow transcendence to emerge gracefully. And I am grateful when I can be stuck without judgment, witnessed and urged to clearly see myself, open my heart and transcend any limitation that feels all too real for a moment…or two. For today, I am grateful that I met Alice Bailey when she had healed from where she had been trapped. I too choose to face down my personal shadows compassionately and fearlessly, while alive – healing and evolving one conscious breath at a time.


Anonymous said...

I just read the comments from Lucas Brazzi on your facebook page. I felt slimed by it and wondered how you experienced it - but your response was perfect. How can anyone defence Alice Bailey or why would he want to do that? Is this guy a friend or student of yours? If he'd taken any of your classes he would know you are contiually challenging your self, your perceptions and where you get hooked. It helps me to do the same. Thank you Lori for being brave enough to lead the way" Carol S.

Anonymous said...

"Lori, I cannot deny the negative energy I feel when I try to read Alice Bailey. I loved and spoke to you about a book called "Esoteric Acupuncture," by Mikio Sankey and when I saw a book entitled "Esoteric Healing," I thought I would love it as well. Not so. Perhaps I am misunderstanding the content of Bailey's book but it is not something I am able to connect with in this lifetime. I am grateful to have Sankey's book, which offers the divine aspects of healing without the other...stuff. Still, your blog post reminded me how important it is to investigate and heal that which hurts us. You openly share your human-ness, which is why so many people choose you as a teacher" A.L.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this post, Lori. The same sort of karmic manifestations of oppression were used to justify the creation of American slavery. We were considered the [karmic] curse of Ham (Noah's son) by the majority of so-called Christians of that time. It seems to be quite the pattern w those mismanaging guilt. I think Gary Zukav does a great job of describing the relationship between the individual and collective souls and thereby karma in "Seat of the Soul". I have seen mismanaged guilt cause an enormous amount of perversion of truth - I even see it in children when thyve done something really wrong that at the time seemed ok to do. The shift (realization of how wrong) can cause very strange rationalizations as a way to protect one's dignity, individual or collective. Bailey herself is reeling from a paradigm shift of "we are good" to "how could we do something so bad," and can't wrap her brain around the pain caused. It is sad when one's own dissonance causes lashing out. The oppressor collective or individual is Harmed by oppression too."

Anonymous said...

Lori, I'm not sure what all those defenses of Alice Bailey are about. Can you imagine anyone defending her if she proposed that African Americans were made slaves due to an accumulation of collective bad karma? Somehow, anti-semitism ... is somehow almost acceptable. I am scared about this fact. What is occurring in the U.N. these days is terrifying"

Anonymous said...

You recently posted: "The job of the spiritual friend is to insult you... So if you really want liberation, you need to have people around who are going provoke you, to show you, where you have work to do"

With absolutely no intention to neither insult nor disrespect you, will you allow me the opportunity to assume the role of spiritual friend and challenge a recent post concerning Alice Bailey? Hopefully, you will see the spirit in which this is being written and allow a discussion to occur and not just delete this because it may question, challenge and even provoke you.

That being said I must question why you did not add the sentences found in the same Alice Bailey book that you quote in your blog - sentences that directly rebuke anti-Semitism:

“The fate of the Jews in the world war is a terrible tale of cruelty, torture and wholesale murder and the treatment of the Jews down the ages is one of the blackest chapters in human history. For it there is no excuse or condonation, and right thinking people everywhere are aware of this and are eagerly demanding that these persecutions end”
the record of the persecution of the Jews is a grievous and ghastly story”

“The problem of the Jews goes deeply into the entire question of right human relations; it can only be solved on that inclusive basis.”

“The behaviour of the nations towards the Jews, culminating in the atrocities of the second quarter of the twentieth century, have no excuse.”

Suffice it to say there are numerous others.

Were those not included because they did not support your point? Might it be that a very distorted picture was used for advantage? For personal aggrandizement?

The title of the book in question is “Esoteric Healing.” ‘Esoteric’ meaning hidden. ‘Healing’ meaning to make well. Alice Bailey’s MAIN assertion is that just as individuals must heal to get well, so must different groups within the whole of humanity heal the wounds that are in the collective psyche of humanity. She uses specific groups that have been persecuted to address where healing is neededJust as the ugly truth of cancer needs to be acknowledged to eventually cure this disease, so do the uncomfortable aspects of how humans have acted underscore the need for healing within the whole of humanity.

That is why these statements, which you took out of context, were in a specific section entitled the “Problems of Humanity.”

I must also question the validity of your contact with Alice Bailey and the Master Djwhal Khul (please note the correct spelling as used throughout her book).

Why would such a holy being as this Master and Alice have to make amends to you when you distorted her teachings and intentions so drastically? Wouldn’t that be perpetrating a lie? Distorting intention?

Unless your contact was a projection of your own consciousness?

Something that even you questioned.

I must here reiterate my statement above: “With absolutely no intention to neither insult nor disrespect you, will you allow me the opportunity to assume the role of spiritual friend and challenge a recent post concerning Alice Bailey?”

It seems maybe this is a vehicle for you to work out other issues with your shadow and have nothing to do with Alice Bailey (my guides are telling me this is true). That being said, are YOU willing to test yourself, your abilities and maybe correct what is a slanted view of what is true – to further confront your shadow?

If so, why not re-contact Master Djwhal Khul and Alice and let us both ask them some questions together – questions only they could answer…something outside of your knowledge?

Are you up to the challenge?

Are you open to being spiritually provoked to discover truth and openly share that truth? Lucas

Lori Lipten said...

It is an interesting prospect for you, Lucas, to invite me to be open to a spiritual challenge and reveal the truth. This challenge was brought to me long ago by my divine guidance team. I brought it with me into this incarnation, was initiated at a very young age and have been communicating with angels and divine masters for decades to learn, understand and hopefully evolve. I have been consistently prodded to see my self and life through divine eyes throughout my journey; to see life through a shamanic heart. And I am all too human and make no pretense about this reality. So am I up for the challenge? No one can ever answer that question for another without being completely caught inside the ego's web of self deception, though you have emailed me and told me that I was not. It is my experience that this is an answer left between an individual soul and Divine Source alone.

Anonymous said...

Lucas, I have been a practicing shaman for two and half decades. You are questioning a dear sister, who asked me to journey on her behalf after she first encountered this work and was told that she just didn’t get Bailey. You do not know Lori and how deeply she searched within herself, with her helping spirits to understand Bailey’s position, her own concerns and what it all meant for her.

Do you even know Lori? I have worked with her as a sister shaman for years and can validate the integrity of her connections to the divine realms and helping spirits. I too journeyed to meet with Bailey and others to ascertain the meaning of her works, and you are completely out of line by accusing Lori of being inauthentic about her connection. I can validate her experience through my direct contact with these spirits.

Your judgments toward Lori are something to question along with your unwillingness to question Alice Bailey. In the decade that I have known Lori as a teacher and fellow traveler, I have never seen her need to prove a point” or seek to “be right” or seek out any “aggrandizement”. Rather, Lori has a compassionate openness and willingness to listen to all perspectives and openly challenges her own biases. Lori tells students to trust themselves, go within and never take her words as fact over their own internal wisdom. If you have studied with Lori, you would know this as a common thread in all her teachings.

You judge Lori for drawing conclusions out of context, assuming this is accurate simply because hers differ from yours but are you reflecting on your own biases as they are so evident in all that you write?

I met Lori just after my daughter died - She told me things no one could have known. She revealed details, minutia that was known only to me and her father. You question Lori's integrity. Are you threatened by her ability to connect with spirit? Your guides tell you that she is not authentic? My guides tell me you are not conscious of your inauthenticity and you are fearful of questioning your “teacher” or authority figure. It is your own shadow that is calling to you Lucas.

Have you ever had contact directly with a spiritual master? If so, did he spell his name? Was it in Tibetan or English? Lucas, have you not received amends or insights about the suffering created by one toward another, even when it is global? If you had directly contacted spirit, you would know that corrections are made without any ego and universally offered to the living. Lori’s experience was not unusual.

It appears that you Lucas do not understand the meaning of a spiritual friend and the intention behind the quote. One who insults another isn’t filled with contempt, as the energy of your words convey. A spiritual friend is playing a part to awaken another through abiding reverence for all concerned. You dare Lori to accept a spiritual challenge that it you have not accepted. Perhaps it is you that has been insulted and Lori is playing that part in your life.
In light, ShamanDancer