Friday, November 11, 2011

11/11/2011 Part 1: Channeled Message from The Rays of Orion

YOU are a holy being. You are a creation of the one true source of creation. That is a holy truth that no being can diminish. All beings are creations of the divine. Within that reality, you are the one being who can make a difference within your life and within your world.

How do you do this? By allowing that which is truly you to shine forth without hesitation. To do this you must know who you are. Most of you will not know this by simply thinking. You will want to spend time it the quiet of your essence. The place beyond thoughts. When you do this, the light within you has the opportunity to expand into your consciousness and to move beyond the thoughts that inhibit you from being your true self. When you are in the state of abiding peace, love and joy, you are aligning with your true essence. From this place, you have the power to create a reality far beyond the reaches of the mind. The mind alone cannot conceive of your infinite power. It will confine and limit what which is you and what you are here on earth to create. This infinite power is not grandiose. It is not superior to others or less than others. It is an exquisite expression of the divine moving through your unique form: your mind, body and spirit. As you open to this, you will feel only love for all humanity. You will not be able to feel anything less. That love will permeate into every aspect of your life. That love is divine energy – the consciousness of Source energy.

On earth you are still experiencing linear time though it is collapsing. You will feel this happening more and more – time will move quickly or stand still for those you are present to the energetic shifts occurring on the earth now. You will feel an abiding love for your fellow humans. You will feel waves of profound peace. Where you are in discord from your higher holy selves, you will feel uneasy. Do not fear. Let go and trust that you are being guided into a path of freedom. Releasing all that does not fit your higher selves will take a deep state of surrender that unfolds one breath, one step, one gentle choice at a time.

You are not being led into more suffering by letting go of that which is not true for your higher soul self. As you open to this path, you will feel the bliss arising into your being. Let it saturate your cells and remind you of the heaven in which you are living as a soul. Allowing this light to pour into your everyday will ease the choices you are making. Fear nothing. Only love is real.

Today - 11/11/2011 is a day for blessings. Rise into the divine love of your awakened heart chakra. Sit in the stillness of your exquisite soul light and let it permeate every cell of your mind, body, emotions and spirit. Radiate this love fully into your consciousness. As you do this, you will feel the truth of love as YOU. Then, radiate this love into all life on earth. Envision this energy permeating the globe. Send your love into the animal kingdom. Send your love into the mineral kingdom. Send your waves of love in to all nature and the earth itself. Send her your love. Fill the earth with your light. Radiate your love into all humanity; enfold the globe with your love. Send your love into the skies, the ethereal realms and all that is living beyond linear time. Send your love into the universe. Send your love to your helping spirits. Your angels and guides and beloved ones who now live in spirit. Radiate your love without hesitation.

Send your love into your future. Into your descendants. To all of your ancestors. Send your love to your past selves. To all things you have done from nobility and all things you have done through fear. Send your love to your future selves. Send your love without hesitation.

As you bask in the divine truth of your love and this infinite love that is ever present, know this is your true state of being. Feel into this bliss. Know it. Sense it. Notice its presence within everything that is truly you. You are love; love is you.

As you do this, radiate your love into your day. See this love flowing from you without limits today. See your love greeting you, embracing you and uplifting you through the day. See this love enfolding everyone you encounter. Let love be the one true focus of your day today.

11:11:2011 (aka11:11:11:11) is a gateway. It is a portal through which you can move elegantly by choosing to align with love. LOVE is the invitation, the destination and the exquisite partner guiding you through this passage. Open your heart, feel the love within your being, let yourself adjust to this truth and today, walk in the spirit of love wherever you go. Bless the world with your phenomenal light. You were born for a divine mission. YOU are here to radiate your love light into this world without fear or limits. You are here to express this love through the passions and talents of your heart. Listen, allow and be that which is pure truth – LOVE.

May your days be an exquisite adventure in the realization and expression of LOVE

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