Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Divine Guidance or Ego Guidance?

Intuition is the language of non-physical energy. All humans are inherently intuitive because you are essentially non-physical energy. You are a spirit having a physical experience. And that makes your first language intuition and you innately capable of understanding divine guidance. Like all sensory abilities, intuition can be developed and will expand in its accuracy and relevance as you intentionally evolve and awaken to your true essence.

At first, your intuition will most obviously flow through the energy centers aligned with feelings and emotions. You may get a gut sensation - opening or tightening in the solar plexus. Or you may feel sensations on your skin or an energetic surge throughout your body that equates with a "knowing" calm. You may have telepathic experiences like finishing sentences of another person or knowing when a friend will call.

Early in your intuitive development insights, symbols, signs and synchronicities appear random. Dreams seem important but their meaning ambiguous. The yearning for more fulfillment will strengthen.  And you may even notice a spirit or flash out of the corner of your eye.

Because of our culture's devotion to the third dimension and its dependency upon the intellect and physical form, we tend to fear intuition. Imagine that? We fear the language of our divine nature and the benevolent aids willing to serve and support our evolution.

Divine guidance is never meant to be elusive, intimidating or haphazard. It has a purpose to awaken you to your true self. You are not your physical body, mind or emotions. You are not your story, beliefs or fears. Divine guidance is designed to reinforce the truth – that you are an infinite being of exquisite divine essence. Your purpose is to awaken and express your highest self into the most exquisite creations on earth you are willing to bring through. As you do this, your intuition grows proportionately.

Intuition will lead you into the easiest pathways for fulfilling your divine purpose. It will guide you into healing all that blocks your true essence from radiating freely throughout your energy field and support you through every facet of your life. Whatever divine intuition leads you to do, it will lead you through. Divine guidance does not set you up to fail; it will connect you with all required resources to support your true mission.

When you develop your intuitive abilities, your soul’s presence expands into your whole being and life. So will your wisdom, health, joy and capacity for love.

The ego lives in a state of fear, blocking the intuitive truth from leading the way. It strives to keep you believing in the third dimensional reality while negating the true power of your spirit. It isn't bound by truth but by design, it feels so real to us. 

So how can you tell the difference between Divine Guidance and Ego Guidance?

Qualities of Divine/True Guidance

• Empowering, wise tone and content
• Repetitive; consistent - will last a lifetime or more until you act upon it
• In harmony with all life
• Expresses joy in the here and now; is not interested in the future
• Strong, powerful, difficult to ignore
• Encouraging, deliberate and not emotionally attached to an outcome
• Compassionate, uplifting, inspirational, empowering
• Is soothing, warm, nurturing, healing to the core of your being
• Supportive of the highest good and potential for you and all
• Reveals resources from exceptional places
• Equally empowering to your authentic self and authenticity of others
• Direct, simple, to the point, without explanation
• Arrives spontaneously or through intentional communion with the divine
• Helps you to know you are powerful and equal to all others; gifted and    beloved in equal measure
• Reminds you that you have power to choose and create your reality
• When you enact the divine guidance, your life improves and when you don't your life is stalled, stuck or worsens
• Promotes letting go of limiting beliefs and paradigms
• Advances you spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically
• Supports health and healing without fear or shame
• Never condemns your choices while leading you to healthy, loving actions
• Encourages an open mind, open heart, emotional flow and physical health
• Unconditionally forgiving
• Balanced, holistic - is interested in the wellness of all life. Will not sacrifice the health of one thing to better another.

Qualities of False/Ego Guidance

• Disempowering with judgmental tone and suggestions
• Changes topics, directions, ideas on a whim or to follow trends
• Self-serving, competitive and mistrustful
• Delays your happiness and fulfillment
• Insidious, sneaky, schemes, mocks and insults to feel powerful over others
• Emotionally driven; mimics admonitions from childhood; mirrors your deepest fears
• Drains your energy and resources; sources energy from others
• Feels dark, dense, prickly, cold
• Critical, condemning, immature tone; self-righteous; tears you down
• Reveals barriers, limitations and reasons for not following intuitive guidance
• Weakens you or others; makes you superior to others; thrives on separation and competition
• Rationalizes deceit; revenge; cruelty, condemnation of others
• Guides you to act from obligation and guilt
• When you enact ego guidance, your life stalls or worsens; you repeat lessons over and over; you feel beaten up by life
• Requires allegiance to your beliefs and paradigms; cannot tolerate questioning
• Stalls spiritual, physical, emotional and intellectual growth
• Shames your emotions, healing or processing and emotional needs
• Rigid, perfectionistic, controlling
• Demands reparations; is conditional, unforgiving and vengeful
• Sees life in black and white; right and wrong; dualities and polarities
• Believes the end justifies the means; “dog eat dog world”; “no pain, no gain” are some of its mottos
• Perceives external forces as creating your reality
• Provides vague guidance; desires status like making you a hero, special or famous

You are a divine soul existing as a hologram of Divine Source Energy. Within you exists the unlimited resources for prosperity, joy, empowerment, love, truth, health, wisdom and enlightenment. Intuition is your bridge to your true power and the creative potential awaiting your discovery and expression!

This weekend I am offering Intuitive Empowerment Intensive - Level 1 at Soothe Your Soul in Oxford, Michigan November 19 and 20 (248)-236-9855. It will be offered in Royal Oak Michigan in late January. Level 2 will be offered in February and March 2012 for details click here.

1 comment:

bridgett burrick said...

This is an amazing guideline.. thank you!!