Saturday, April 17, 2010

Creating Abundantly

Are you someone who has tried hard to manifest your dream life and to date you feel baffled, confused and frustrated with the “manifesting process?” Do you wonder if you’ll ever create what you truly desire most?

By now you have likely studied the laws of attraction, visualized your outcome, created your vision board and done the footwork. So what is the deal?

Many times client’s will ask me “where is my soul mate?” or “will I get that job”. Time does not exist within the realm of spirit, but what I will see is the distance between the desired experience and the individual’s energy field. That distance is the tell-tale marker of vibrational resonance and the state of allowing. When you do not yet have the desired experience, it isn’t that that laws aren’t working on your behalf. They are immutable and ever present. It is that your doubt is still present and your energy is likely focused on the gap between you and what you desire.

I’ve witnessed clients who profoundly want a soul mate. Perhaps he is energizing this creative happening daily by truly feeling the sensations of having and being within that outcome as though it has happened. But then, he is observing the lack of its presence more often than feeling the emotional resonance of being and having that true love flourishing in present time. That observation occurs because doubt is present. And that doubt or perception of the void of having is energy in action. It is a vibrational equivalent to “not having”.

Is it easy to visualize being prosperous when you are in the midst of financial struggle? Not when you identify with the physical world as your source of peace, fulfillment and abundance. That identification means you believe in the financial struggle as a reality that is happening outside of you. But when you feel your true nature as an eternal divine being, knowing that immutable laws of love govern you– duality fades and doubt disappears. You are one with all-that-is. You are powerful to manifest any reality you are willing to energize.

Here are four easy ways of moving the energy from doubt and lack into faith and having/being.

Breathe deeply and remember who you are. You are not your body, mind and emotions. You are a soul having a physical experience. Feel into your pure essence of love, light and truth. Say in your mind or aloud: “I am a soul. I am eternal. I am the light, love and truth of divine essence flowing into my mind, body and emotions now”. Feel into this truth and practice tuning into this reality. Set an alarm 3-4 times throughout your day, place it on a chime or uplifting sound-setting if possible and use that moment to breathe deeply into your soul self. Breathing in and out, feel into your true essence.

Appreciate. As you breathe into your soul-self and feel into your immutable nature, take time to appreciate your whole being. Appreciate your breath, your body and your surroundings. Appreciate being a soul in a physical world. Appreciate having this moment, having consciousness and being able to appreciate. Feel your ability to appreciate and whatever you appreciate will expand into your life.

Allow validations from spirit to show up. Spirit is always providing signs of its supportive presence in your life. When you ask for, acknowledge and appreciate validations from spirit, your vibration is in alignment with having and being. One sign that my father is present and supporting me from the world of spirit, is through a hawk flying over me. One day when I was visiting his grave, I sat in prayerful meditation and said “Father, reveal your presence to me”. Just then, a beautiful, red-tailed hawk swooped down over my head and circled me several times before ascending and floating in the high sky. Was my father a hawk? NO! But by opening to the validation, I knew this was a physical way of showing his presence. It came in a form I did not expect and my heart welled with gratitude. That state of allowing signs from spirit to show up without attaching to the form is resonant with being abundant.

Practice Resonance. Look around you and notice what you have created in your life that you enjoy. You have allowed these people, experiences and objects into your life. Enjoy this reality! Appreciate that you are resonant with what you have created. Feel into the sensations of having manifested whatever you are observing and appreciate your creative power. That state of appreciation is resonant with being and having. The art of creative visualization is the practice of allowing your being to radiate specific vibrational frequencies in the present so that you, as a divine spirit, can attract more of whatever is resonant to those frequencies. Meditation and creative visualization are important tools for practicing being present to the divine essence of life. By bringing the energies experienced through meditation and visualization into your daily actions, you develop harmony with what you want. Through practice, you will shift into a state of resonance with having desirable manifestations.

You have a desire because your soul wants to express a sensation that has not yet been allowed into your energy of thought and emotion so consistently that it feels natural to you. Your perception may tell you that when you have that experience or object – then you’ll be able to consistently express that sensation. But that illusion emanates from identifying with the physical world and ego. You have the power to emanate those frequencies now and the desire exists because your spirit wants to express this through you now! By feeling those sensations through creative visualization or meditation and then practicing expressing that energy in your daily life, you will become fully resonant with being and therefore having like creations.

As a limitless divine being, there your power to manifest infinite. Your mind cannot grasp this concept; its abstract to your linear brain. You, as a soul, know this truth. You were born to access, allow and therefore create whatsoever you are willing to express through you. Identify with your souls-self, appreciate your creative power, acknowledge spirit working in your life and practicing allowing the sensations of your phenomenal soul to be expressed into magnificence daily. It is your true nature to do so. And above all, have fun in the process!

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