Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Golden Path of Joy

You are the creator of your own destiny and you have a soul path through which you will find it easiest to manifest. When you veer from your soul path, you will experience challenges within your manifestation process. When you are following your soul path, you will experience miraculous ease and effortless in your manifesting. It will be as though your life is a golden path of joy.

To live a soul path is an act of consciousness. Intuitive living is a conscious choice of aligning with your soul. Your body, emotions, thoughts will reveal when you are making a soulful choice and when you are choosing to express a limitation based on a personality belief. Soulful choices feel peaceful, expansive and uplifting. Non-soulful choices feel tight, anxiety provoking, prickly and heavy.

Bliss can be a great an indicator of soulful living. When your soul is expressing through you, you will feel light, easy and true. Life flows. You feel expectant and open and that is your natural state. When you are in your natural state, you are living in concert with your highest soul-self. When you are in anything else, you are resisting your soul's highest expression.

Allowing your soul to express through you does not equate with only experiencing happiness, though your natural state will always return you to equanimity and joy. When you are soul-aligned, you energy patterns of expansiveness and openness will allow you to express the full range of human emotions without resistance. When sadness arises, you will express it fully and then return to your natural state of equanimity without having to “try to be happy.”

Resistance to living your soul path is learned. As an infant you lived in your soul state of expectancy and openness. If you needed something, you expressed the need through your physical being. You did not think: “I wonder if crying is ok right now? Should I laugh? Would a squeal be appropriate?" As an infant, you expressed your soul freely, moment to moment.

Resistance is an unnatural state of being and feels uncomfortable in the body, mind and emotions. Resistance is sticky because it can be so habitual that you perceive that state as natural. You know when you are experiencing resistance to your soul’s true expression when you feel: tension, anxiety, depression, fear, panic or you have to do something/be something/have something in order to feel safe or positive.

Suffering is a human condition consistent with holding onto perceptions, beliefs, things, people, places, outcomes as though they will keep you happy or prevent you from experiencing pain. We have all been taught to resist our soul through modeling and direct indoctrination into this physical human experience. Resistance prevents our soul from expressing its infinite creative potential. But you were born to break through resistance and express miraculous creations!

We resist because we believe in what we are clinging to, not because we want to experience pain. That tension between our soul’s profound desire to express and the belief that holding on prevents us pain is the seed of suffering. But it can also be the seed to creativity! When we let go of the resistance, we experience relief and discover qualities within ourselves that we could not know were present until we open to that soulful expression urging us toward change.

To live a soul path is to allow your exquisite soul power to move you through resistances. A soulful life is not necessarily free from resistance. Instead, you willingly notice your resistances and do not judge them or identify with them. You breathe into your body, witnessing where you hold onto an idea, pattern, person or place as though your life depends on it! Breathing deeply, you consciously open your heart and allow compassion to flow into your being and the observation of your experience. If emotions arise, you allow them to flow. There is a good reason you formed your resistance because at the moment you formed the belief or attachment, it made sense to you. But this perception is holding back your beautiful soul from creating a whole new experience through you and for you. Breathe deeply into whatever is present and allow your compassion into this awareness.

As you observe yourself, notice that you have the ability to observe your resistance and even your pain. You are witnessing where you are holding on, where you are stuck. You are even able to witness your emotions. Who is the observer? You. As a soul, you are physically integrated into your mental, emotional and physical being but you do not ever separate from your higher, divine self. And that higher soul-self is never identified with your physical, mental or emotional experience. Your higher soul-self exists in a state of pure bliss, aware of your physical experiences, understanding how they came to be. Your higher soul-self is fully aware of how to transform whatever you encounter into a joyful, fruitful endeavor. When you consciously and compassionately witness yourself, you gently identify with the observer rather than the experience, habit or emotion being experienced. Therein lies your power of intuitive or conscious living.

Soulful liberation is the intentional act of allowing your soul-self to shine through you in present time, no matter what you encounter. That is the path of intuitive living and conscious manifesting. When resistance arises, you are not identified with the resistance. You are a witness to it and simultaneously experiencing it fully until the energy flows back into freedom and returns you to your natural state of being. The observer is always present and not resisting the awareness or emotions of any given moment. The “you” that is resisting is your personality self: the identity through which your soul wants to expand.

Resistance is a gift revealing you where you have adapted a belief, perception or habit that prevents your soul-self from creating expansively into the golden path that is yours to experience. This is an exciting opportunity. Your personality uses resistance moments to reinforce its perceptions; your soul sees these moments as an opporunity to evolve and create! When you allow your soul into the equation, you unlease the power and presence of your divinity to create through and for you.

Your personality has a role in this lifetime. It allows you to be human and to experience the creative power of your spirit through physical, mental and emotional expression. It also allows you to experience extraordinary creative power. And it allows you to learn and transcend where you have become stuck in your creative process throughout lifetimes.

To truly understand creative power, duality was provided. The spirit then experiences creative expanse from bliss to despair. This spectrum of creation allows humans to realize creative potentials independently from Source as a creative power. It allows freedom. It allows us to intentionally direct our energy into concert with soul by choice. Without this spectrum of duality, humans would not experience the full measure of free will.

Enlightenment is not experienced through an epiphany, though epiphanies often serve as gateways to one’s soul-truth. To experience a soul path, one must consciously choose it one step at time. Soulful living happens through choices that allow free creation until soulful expression happens spontaneously moment-to-moment.

If you want to experience a fulfilling love relationship, more financial flow, perfect health or anything else, your soul wants to show you how! By listening to your soul’s urging, breathing into the feelings of resistance that have created what you currently have and identifying with the witness rather than the fear, you will shift from a path of frustration and disappointment into one that radiates your true blissful being. You are the source of your fulfillment. You have the power to create a golden path of joy, one soulful moment at a time!

Above all, be gentle with you and have fun shining your soul light! Namaste, Lori

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for this beautiful inspiration! Ahhhhh! Great reminder that my soul wants me to feel ease and joy! Hmmmmm!