Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Wake Up Call!

My morning routine consists of a stretching, meditation, allowing and receiving divine guidance. This morning my guides announced, “It is time to awaken, Lori. You cannot hold on to what is, if you truly want to experience a life change.” They kindly added, “this you know. And this, you are resisting. Your resistance to change is understandable and yet it is slowing down your personal joy. We are assisting you.”

It is humbling to be a teacher of intuitive living while experiencing my own resistances to it. My soul is yearning to express a truth that I have quieted for a long time. I began quieting certain soulful truths because I associated their expression with pain. Each time I shutdown an aspect of my soul’s truth, I was trying to control the hurt while creating a concurrent sort of suffering. It seemed a logical choice to move away from pain. And I even convinced my self, long ago, that is was healthy.

But th soul will not sit in the background comfortably adhering to resistances. The soul will consistently reach for expression, even through years and even lifetimes of resistance.

I teach in Intuitive Empowerment courses how to discern divine guidance from the ego’s desires. Divine, soulful truth is consistent. It does not follow trends or attempt to be popular. Your soul does not care about fitting in or making waves. Your soul is yearning for the expression of its truth because soulful truth always enhances life for all concerned. Soulful expression will yield the greatest mental, emotional, physical and spiritual results.

If soulful expression uplifts and enhances life, does it make sense that we resist it? We are taught early in life that our desires are not acceptable to our family and larger cultural paradigms in which we were raised so we tend to associate soulful expression with fear, deprivation and struggle. As a child I was able to see, feel and understand subtle energy but there was no place where this experience was normalized or nurtured. How often has a child been told not to follow his or her natural talents and passions into a career because doing so may be impractical and lead to financial struggle? How often are children told to be quiet, sit still, to focus and behave in certain ways when the body is urging him or her to be loud, move and creatively flow? We have come to believe that soulful expression will yield pain, disappointment and struggle. We have come to believe that fitting in, following trends, and not making waves is appropriate.

The soul does not delay happiness. It is not interested in struggle and it will not lead us into suffering. Soulful expression will help us to heal from the beliefs we have adapted that limit our joy, health and fulfillment. It will express these immutable essences the moment we stop resisting them.

The soul is only expressed in the present. My soul is bigger, stronger, and wiser than any fearful doubt I may have in any given moment. And so is yours! Today I am making a choice to allow my soul to express freely through my intentional presence and allowing. I breathe deeply into my body, remember that my soul only seeks to heal, nurture and uplift. As I listen to the passion of my soul here and now I open to and allow authentic pleasure, joy and purpose to surface moment to moment. This morning my guidance said, “It is time to awaken, Lori.” And in this moment, I am choosing to be present to this noble truth. Will you join me in awakening to your soul?

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