Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Do you have a soul?

You are a soul having a physical experience. As a soul, you choose to come into a physical body for numerous reasons. As an intuitive medium, I have learned that souls choose to incarnate for the following reasons:

-To have fun creating, learning and evolving as consciousness in a physical world

-To heal through the limitations created and experienced in other lifetimes

-To serve healing through limitations of ancestors and others (to contribute to the evolution of a soul group)

-To master the sacred balance between physical and non-physical life

-To support the expansion of consciousness through humanity

-To awaken

You are a soul with a mind, body and emotions to support your physical encounter with life. Your soul is not calling you or trying to communicate with you. This is more than a problem with language; it is an error in thought and therefore an error in identification. YOU ARE THAT SOUL. When you feel as though your soul is "calling to you" it is because you have not yet fully recognized who you are. You feel "its" calling to you then you are perceiving yourself as something other than soul. You are not something other than your soul. You are a soul with a physical mind, body and emotions.

By identifying with your personality, physical mind, body and emotions, you end up feeling like your soul is something you need to find, discover and learn to understand. But you are that soul and you are already equipped with the full-blown power to navigate your soul’s language: intuition. When you shift the identification, intuition falls back into its rightful place as your primary and natural language.

In our culture soul is something we seek because we identify with our physical body, mind and emotions as though they are the truh of us. We learn to identify with our persona and then we feel that we have something true that we need to find. Soul is the eternal, non-physical essence of you. Soul is not confined to time, space or your personality. It is the essential, authentic, truth of you. Not what you learned to be; not any belief or perception you hold about you and life. As a soul, you exist beyond all limitations that feel like reality.

When you chose your physical body, your family and life experiences, you chose to express your soul’s power. Most of us live a small percentage of our soul’s powerful potential in any given lifetime. Because the soul of humanity is expanding at an accelerated rate, many of us are beginning to notice that we are more than what we have come to perceive. We are opening to the idea that we each have a purpose that is uniquely significant to the whole of life. As a soul, you are infinitely powerful to create, expand, heal, awaken and thrive!

What did you come here to do? You were born with innate talents and skills that are pure expressions of your soul. These innate talents and skills will come through as natural interests. When you express soul essence you feel alive, expansive, joyful and true. You lose connection with the physical constraints of time and space, often called being in flow. You move with ease and effortlessness even if you are exerting physical, mental or emotional energy because soul is moving through your being freely.

To begin living your soul potential, you start with a shift in perception. You are a soul. You are a divine essence of non-physical energy existing as a holographic matrix of pure potential. As a soul, you have the power to witness and express through your body, thoughts, emotions and personality effortlessly.

If you are thinking "this is hard" that is your mind or personality perception, adpated through life experience. Soul has no faith in personality beliefs. It is not limited to physical realities or limitations. Any thought that confines your potential, limits you to physical rules and logic are perceptions birthed from and therefore limited to physical dimensions alone. But you as a soul, are not. You are larger than your mind, body, emotions and personality. You have wisdom and resources that defy logic and physical constraints.

Are you willing to experience life beyond anything you have imagined you can be and have? Your life will be limited if you identify with your mind, emotions and physical body alone. Every breakthrough we experience in this world arises through an expression of soul. You cannot go too far by believing you are a person with a soul. You will transcend all limitation when you shift from identifying with your physical being to your eternal essence and recognizing you are a soul. Stop right now, breathe deeply into your belly, allow your whole abdomen to be filled with air. Slowly exhale. Take your hand and place it over your solar plexus. Say: "I am a soul". Feel into this. Do you feel the truth of this? Place your hand over your heart. Say slowly, "I am a soul". Feel your energy expanding as you acknowledge this truth.

If it is true that you are non-physical eternal essence having a physical experience, what do you sense your soul wants to experience through your physical being? If you try to answer from your mind alone, the answers will be confined to the paradigms holding our collective conscious in place. The answers are fully present within you right now because you are the soul who knows!

Soul lives in the eternal present. It never seeks to delay happiness, health or fulfillment. When you feel expansive, peaceful and alive….soul is expressing truth through your body, mind and emotions. Soul expressed physically may feel like: calm, safe, capable and vibrant energy. Mentally you will feel clear, decisive, open and curious. Emotionally you feel serene, present, fulfilled and compassionate. When your soul is being held back from its expression through your physical being you feel sluggish, anxious, doubtful, paranoid, confused, chaotic or rigid. Emotionally you feel blocked, shut down, closed off, overwhelmed, drained or hyper, uneasy, depressed, compulsive and anxious. You may feel stuck, labored, heavy or hyper, sick, weak or easily influenced by external forces.

Your mind is equipped to allow you as a soul to expand through every limiting thought into inspired knowing. Your emotions are equipped to allow you as a soul to experience and express through every limiting feeling into inspired sensation. Your body is equipped to allow you as a soul to express perfect vitality. You as a soul have chosen to express these aspects of Source Energy in your own creative ways. You did not come to suffer or struggle. You did not come to "pay a price" for past transgressions or "learn through pain".

As a soul you have the power to:

-Enjoy learning and evolving

- Heal through limits into ever increasing expansiveness

- Serve and promote healing in others

- Master the sacred dance between physical and non-physical realities

- Support conscious expansion

- And awaken

You are a soul! You are eternal essence living in a physical world. You were not your personality prior to birth; you will not exist as your personality after birth. So who is the soul that has come into your physical persona, body, mind and emotions? Begin asking and be willing to discover answers that surpass your beliefs.

Next blog entry will discuss how to easily live as a soul in the physical world.
In peace, Lori

1 comment:

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Thank you for sharing your insights about the soul.
