Friday, October 28, 2011

End of the Mayan Calendar - October 28, 2011

By now we know about the prophecies of profound change within our midst. Many of us have been aware of the December 21, 2012 date as the end of the Mayan Calendar. According to some researchers, that date is incorrect and the true date is October 28, 2011. It seems the fourteen month difference from the December 21, 2012 date is attributed to the error in translating from a lunar to a solar calendar (Gregorian Calendar).

Whatever the date may be – we are in a shift from lower frequency human consciousness into a higher one.  And this is a time of celebration!  We are moving from a solar plexus dominated species (third dimensional ~ ego centered creative pattern) into a heart centered consciousness (fifth/sixth dimensional and higher ~ intuitive/soul centered creation experience). Intuition is the dominant language of this higher dimensional experience and will be the foundation upon which you can rely for integrating the energetic accelerations and transitions.

These changes have been happening for some time. But they are accelerating.  Most will experience these shifts much like we do physical and spiritual growth, as a process – not an event.

We are being assisted through this important transition. If you are still reading, here is where it may challenge your mind’s perceptions of this process. There are highly evolved beings of light surrounding the globe in triangular formations who are stepping down finer vibrational frequencies to uplift us through the transition. Still with me?  Hang tight because our DNA is encoded to expand from its double helix into a multiple strand expression.  And that is being activated. 

I know that this sounds like science fiction.  I have been given information like this since I was eight years old and believe me - I know how it sounds! But it is happening.  Everything my guides have told me over the years, is occuring before my very eyes.  Including the unfolding of intuitive processes within the general population; tsunamis; governmental and economic shifts and more. The world is shifting and we are all changing at a cellular level. There is nothing to fear. It is not a doomsday prophecy but a rising from a consciousness that bound us to suffering into a trajectory of love. 

Prior to your birth, you – as a soul being - chose to be on the earth during this transition and you are therefore already prepared to adjust. If you are conscious of the changes, you will feel them happening within you and within your personal lives. It makes it easier to navigate the acceleration process when you participate in it. If you are not conscious of these changes, you may feel like your world is being rocked to the core. And even if you are aware, you may feel like you're on tilt at times. 

Hold steady.  Breathe deeply.  And open to the process. 

Some of the symptoms of these changes are experienced on the earth as natural disasters and polar shifts. The earth is also adjusting. Other symptoms manifest as breakdowns of dysfunctional systems that were bred from the ego and no longer fit a fifth (and even higher) dimensional consciousness. That means governments, economies, health care and educational systems and other institutions will dissolve to make way for holistic approaches manifested through the soul-centered consciousness that serve the highest good for the whole.

If we respond to these changes without fear, we will simply grow into new ways of operating.  But the ego doesn't give up so easily.  So we may experience full blown collapses before we create anew.  This is a time of celebration, as we are evolving into a new era of creation for humankind. 

Remember, if you have ever built a house - you dig out the land first.  It does not look like much at first, so you have to hold the vision of your intention, allowing its creation to happen one step at a time.  If you are not aware of what  is happening, you may be terrified when you see only bare land.  When you know what is happening, you can feel the excitement of something beautiful in the making. 

On a personal level, these higher frequencies mean we will no longer be able to tolerate relationships, jobs and all scenarios that are out of alignment with our soul. We will be called to make significant changes and we will feel uncomfortable until we do. You will no longer be able to see yourself as your physical identitiy alone.  This shift requires you to acknowledge your true essence as a soul. Your intuition will become sharper; your dreams more vivid. You may notice more signs from spirit; experience greater synchronicities.  You may want to eat differently; make amends; bring closure to the past and heal.  You may notice the need to move to a new area NOW or the deep knowing that you cannot ignore your soul's purpose. You may feel a spiritual shifts and emotional upheaval. As you open to these experiences, you will move through this transition with greater ease. As you resist, you will feel increased tensions and addictive patterns may become acute. Your intuition is in place to help you navigate these changes from living a disconnected, obligated life into fluid alignment with your soul.

This is a quickening which means time is collapsing. You may notice things happening more rapidly. Manifesting will be easier and your loving thoughts will show up in numerous forms far more readily. Fears will also move more quickly into physical formations and feel far more intense than usual. The shadow is ready to be exposed, witnessed and transmuted. Compassion is the golden key to unblocking trapped energies and moving them all into higher frequencies.

So how do you cope during this transition?

Meditation – Mindfulness and other forms of meditation will assist you in calming your body, mind and emotions. It is an essential ingredient in your shifting from identification you’re your ego-personality, opening into your true higher self and developing your intuitive skill. Make time every day to sit in silence, breathe in and out of your body consciously, let thoughts float by as you witness your mind’s activity without judgment.

Develop Your Intuition – Intuition is the language of the soul, linking you to all that is. It is the bridge to your ascension. Intuition transcends the rational mind’s limitations and allows you to experience your authentic creative power and tap into resources that logic alone can never discover. To move through this transition process consciously, discover and cultivate your intuition one day at a time. 

Let Go – Take time to identify beliefs and systems that do not serve your highest good. You are worth the effort to heal all that binds you. Letting go is a conscious process, often accomplished through smaller steps. Release old patterns; recover from addictions; relinquish unhealthy relationships; clear clutter; let go of things that do not uplift you.

Open Up to Love– As you release, you will benefit by also opening your heart and mind. Your heart chakra is a gateway to the highest divine frequencies experienced through the human consciousness as unconditional love. It can be found within the essence of all the chakras but is most easily identified through the heart center. As you open to this divine love and focus it in the direction of your healing, you can transmute beliefs and patterns that limit your true creative power.  You will then unleash the exquisite divine nature that is you. Practice chanting or focusing on unconditional love; ground and then focus on the heart and upper chakras and allow that love to radiate throughout your system. Send that love into your cells daily; then into your personal life and then in to the world.

Clear, balance & Activate – Your chakras are the ethereal organs of your energy system. During this time of change your chakras are shifting into a unified chakra system by opening to higher frequencies and allowing higher chakras to be accessible to you now. These higher chakras allow you to experience your true Avatar or Higher Self Consciousness within this body, in this lifetime. Make time to release ethereal cords and accumulated energies that cannot serve your highest good. Clear, balance and attune to the higher frequencies daily.

Raise Your Dietary Vibration– Eating foods of higher frequencies will allow you to be more connected to your soul’s wisdom, the angelic support consistently present for you and assist you in integrating finer energies being stepped down for your benefit. Higher vibrational foods are directly from the earth, locally and seasonally grown, with minimal processing. They are organic, raw and have not caused harm to any aspect of life.

Rest – All this shifting is energy in motion. You are releasing, healing, accelerating and integrating. That is an active process. Acknowledge this and take time to rest, adjust and rejuvenate. When experiencing this energy change unconsciously, you will feel drained, anxious and uneasy without knowing why. Take time to nurture you!

Play – Playfulness and spontaneity are natural states for us. When we are going through a lot of change, the ego may feel fearful and resistant. Worry can be habitual, so the above steps will help to loosen its hold. Intentional play will assist you in breaking free from ritualized patterns stemming from learned beliefs. Laugh; have fun; dance; create; think out of the box; color; wear glitter; jump on a trampeline; play catch; be in the world like a child. Take time to play!

Engage in Conscious Exercise – Move your body with the intention to heal and uplift your energy. Exercise that colludes with your ego’s goals will cause harm to an aspect of your being. Conscious movement will enhance your overall health without compromising any aspect of your body, mind, emotions or spirit. Conscious exercise promotes presence in your body, mind, emotions and spirit. Dance; swim; yoga; qi gong; tai chi and other forms of joyful, sensual and uplifting movement will support you through this change process.

It is a time of change and a time of celebration.  You can embrace this rite of passage, move with the currencies intentionally and enjoy the process!


Carie Taylor said...

Thank you Lori! Thank you for breaking down each aspect and giving advice on how to cope. Very nice..

Carie Taylor said...

Thank you Lori for breaking down each aspect and giving advice on how to cope. Very nice!..

Unknown said...

Excellent post, thank you so much for sharing the positive message. I subscribed, looking forward to your future posts!

amandaladi said...

Like Carie, I am so thankful for your words of love, wisdom and encouragement. This time of change, of shift, of experiencing this existence in a whole different way has been the hardest work i've ever done.
It helps to know we're not alone. we're all in this together.
Love and light...

Shelly said...

Every...single....word of this speaks to me so very deeply that it took my breath away and has me choking back tears. It gives me immeasurable confirmation. I'm saving this post so that I may easily access & read it regularly to help get me through what's happening. Bless you Lori!

Marguerite said...

I am going to print this and re read it over and over..Thank you for breaking it down.

Malcolm said...

similar to Marguerite - I have saved the URL so that I can read and re-read this. Wonderfully clear reaffirming guidance.